Can you use a release aid on a recurve bow?

While most recurve archers don’t use a release aid when they shoot their bows, there are some archers who prefer using releases even with recurve bows. Recurves were designed to be shot with the fingers, but there are many different reasons that some people may still use a release instead of shooting with the fingers.

What is the best release aid for hunting?

Best Overall: Spot Hogg Wiseguy In a nutshell, this system screams efficiency when you need it most. Because of the ease of use and dependability, this release would do well in any condition on any hunt for any animal. To me, this is the best of all worlds when it comes to archery release aids.

What release do Olympic archers use?

The recurve bow is the only one used at the Olympic Games. A recurve archer pulls the string towards their face with their fingers and aims at the target through a sight. The arrow is then released downrange towards the target.

Should I hunt with a thumb release?

For hunting, most folks would do well to shoot a thumb button or an index release, as both have triggers and both are easy to operate in the heat of the moment.

What are the advantages of a thumb release?

It makes sense and is a great choice for someone just starting out. They’re affordable, attach to your wrist, and are easy to use. Index style release aids almost resemble shooting a gun, once you’re ready to send an arrow.

What is the difference between back tension and thumb release?

Among the different archery releases, back tension models are notable for good reasons. Thumb releases on the other hand, is a bit similar to back tension in that is specially designed in such a way that you can hold at full draw, then giving you freewill to have your thumb around the trigger and pull it gradually.

What draw weight do most Olympic archers use?

Bow: In Olympic archery, competitors use recurve bows that draw an average of around 48.5 pounds for the men and 33 pounds for the women.