Why do you think Falconbridge said that most surgeons?

Falconbridge said that most surgeons only worked on slave ships because of their financial situations because since the conditions were so dreadful, surgeons would not take a job on these ships unless they were desperate for money.

What is the Zong Why is it famous?

The slave ship Zong departed the coast of Africa on 6 September 1781 with 470 slaves. Since this human chattel was such a valuable commodity at that time, many captains took on more slaves than their ships could accommodate in order to maximize profits.

What were the 3 stages of the triangular trade?

transatlantic slave trade three stages of the so-called triangular trade, in which arms, textiles, and wine were shipped from Europe to Africa, enslaved people from Africa to the Americas, and sugar and coffee from the Americas to Europe.

Who was Dr Falconbridge?

The British surgeon Alexander Falconbridge served as a ship’s surgeon on four slave trade voyages between 1782 and 1787 (on the ships Tartar (1782), Emilia (1783-84), Alexander (1785-86) and, again, Emilia (1786-87) before rejecting the slave trade and becoming an abolitionist.

What were conditions like on the Middle Passage?

Seasickness was common and the heat was oppressive. The lack of sanitation and suffocating conditions meant there was a constant threat of disease. Epidemics of fever, dysentery (the ‘flux’) and smallpox were frequent. Captives endured these conditions for about two months, sometimes longer.

How many slaves were thrown overboard from the Zong?

122 Africans
Over the course of several days, the crew threw at least 122 Africans overboard. The Zong arrived in Black River, Jamaica with 208 enslaved people on board.

What did Alexander Falconbridge do to stop slavery?

Alexander Falconbridge was a ship’s surgeon from Bristol and a friend of John Newton. He made four crossings to the Americas in a slave ship before quitting the trade on principle.