What was the Home Guard in Cold Mountain?

In “Cold Mountain,” Governor Vance is named as the one who had given the Home Guard the go-ahead to hunt down deserters such as Inman.

What happened to Confederate deserters?

Most deserters were sent to work camps for the duration of the war, while others were branded or tattooed so their crime was visible for all to see. It also was not unusual for deserters to be executed for their crimes.

How many Confederates were executed after the Civil War?

Over 500 men, representing both North and South, were shot or hanged during the four-year conflict, two-thirds of them for desertion. As the war continued into its later years the penalty of death was often overlooked in order to preserve the dwindling ranks of the Confederate army.

How many men deserted the Confederate Army?

Desertion proved a far more difficult problem for both sides. Official figures show slightly over 103,000 Confederate soldiers and over 200,000 Union soldiers deserted, with some estimates as high as 280,000.

Was there a Home Guard during the Civil War?

Home Guards were tasked with both the defense of the Confederate home front, as well as to help track down and capture Confederate Army deserters. As a militia, the Home Guard had a rank structure and did have certain regulations, whether those were enforced or not.

Who is Teague from Cold Mountain Book?

Ray Winstone
Cold Mountain (2003) – Ray Winstone as Teague – IMDb.

How many deserters were executed in the Civil War?

147 Union deserters
Both armies did execute some captured deserters—often in highly public ceremonies before the entire regiments, intended to deter other would-be fugitives—but such punishments were unusual. Only 147 Union deserters were executed during the course of the war.

Were there any war criminals in the Civil War?

Wirz was one of only two men tried, convicted, and executed for war crimes during the Civil War, the other being Confederate guerrilla Champ Ferguson. Confederate soldiers Robert Cobb Kennedy, Sam Davis, and John Yates Beall were executed for spying, and Marcellus Jerome Clarke and Henry C.

Was the Home Guard voluntary?

The Home Guard (initially Local Defence Volunteers or LDV) was an armed citizen militia supporting the British Army during the Second World War….Home Guard (United Kingdom)

Home Guard initially “Local Defence Volunteers”
Active 14 May 1940 – 3 December 1944
Disbanded 31 December 1945
Country United Kingdom
Branch British Army

Is the movie Cold Mountain based on a true story?

Inman’s life. The author based the book on the Civil War service of William P. Inman, Twenty-fifth North Carolina Infantry Regiment. The answer to the second question would have been more difficult to answer if it had not been for the remarkable efforts of a former War Department adjutant general, Fred C.