What is the acceptance rate for Nature Communications?

The definition of journal acceptance rate is the percentage of all articles submitted to Nature Communications that was accepted for publication. Based on the Journal Acceptance Rate Feedback System database, the latest acceptance rate of Nature Communications is 48.7%.

How much does it cost to publish in scientific reports?

Scientific Reports is an open access journal. To publish in Scientific Reports, all authors are required to pay an article-processing charge (APC) of $1,495.

How long does Nature review take?

Manuscript Revision Process

Journal Title Nature
Duration from Manuscripts Acceptance To Publication 14.0 Days
Duration from Manuscripts Submission to Publication 152.0 Days
Number of Reviewers during Revision Process 3.0 Reviewers
Number of Peer-Review Rounds during Revision Process 3.0 Rounds

How long does it take to publish in Nature Communications?

Our editors provide a quick and balanced assessment of the manuscripts submitted to our journal, with a median decision time for first decisions of 10 days.

How long does it take Nature to review a paper?

How much does it cost to publish in Nature Communications?

Scientific journal publication fees in US dollars

Journal Fee in USD Source, Retrieval date
PNAS 1700 estimate of average PNAS ’09
PNAS 2900 estimate of average PNAS ’09
Nature Communications 5700 [15] ’14; up >$2000 since ’09!
Cell Reports 5200 [16] ’19

How long does it take to hear back from Nature?

Manuscript Revision Process

Journal Title Nature
Duration from Manuscripts Submission to Manuscripts Acceptance 118.0 Days
Duration from Manuscripts Acceptance To Publication 14.0 Days
Duration from Manuscripts Submission to Publication 152.0 Days
Number of Reviewers during Revision Process 3.0 Reviewers