What is the price for cypress per board foot?

Cypress Pricing

Dimensions Grade <100 bdft.
2 X 6 SEL & BTR $7.78
2 X 8 SEL & BTR $7.78 .
1 X 6 #2 COM $4.68
1 X 8 #2 COM $4.82

How much do cypress logs sell for?

The log could be worth up to a couple of thousand dollars, Emerson figured, once it was cut and milled, then dried in a solar-powered kiln. Herrington said he sold a cypress table for $7,500 and is asking $10,000 for a massive fish he carved from a cypress log.

How much is cypress tree wood worth?

New cypress sells for about $2 a board foot. Felled by a natural disaster before people walked these parts, the forest of trees has been radiocarbon-dated at up to 40,000 years old.

Which is better cypress or cedar wood?

Old-growth cypress is rated as being very durable — more durable than cedar — but it’s hard to find and expensive. Younger cypress is rated as moderately durable. Cedar has a pleasant, aromatic scent while being worked, while freshly cut cypress has a somewhat sour odor.

Why are cypress trees so expensive?

It does not take long to cut down a tree and mill it into usable lumber, but it takes a cypress tree around 30 years to reach commercial maturity. The resources it takes to grow a cypress tree and keep it growing and healthy for 30 years makes the wood more expensive.

Why are cypress logs so expensive?

Its water, insect, rot, and decay-resistant characteristics make it a very valuable wood as well. Unfortunately, because of the slow growth rates, reduced supply, and higher than typical demand, the price of cypress lumber will continue to grow.

Is cypress or cedar more expensive?

Cypress is usually less expensive, but it depends on where you live. If you live in the Northwest where cedar is readily available, cypress may be more expensive. If you live in the eastern United States where cypress is readily available, it’s typically less expensive than cedar.

Which state has the most lumber mills?

What State Produces the Most Lumber? According to the Oregon Forest Resources Institute, Oregon is the top producer of softwood lumber, producing more than 16% of the nation’s softwood. Other top-lumber producing states include: Washington.

Who sells the most lumber in the US?

Who are the top lumber producers in the U.S. today? Weyerhaeuser ranks number one for lumber production capacity, followed by Georgia-Pacific.

Is there a market for cypress trees?

Loggers, landowners and mill operators are itching to get the trees to market. Wood from cypress, which full-grown rise 75-100 feet into the sky, is valued for its beauty and its resistance to rot and insects, and there is a market hungry for everything from cypress shingles and lawn furniture, to cabinets and mulch.

Why are old cypress logs so expensive?