What does with guile mean?
What does with guile mean?
Definition of guile 1 : deceitful cunning : duplicity a war that called for guile rather than firepower. 2 obsolete : stratagem, trick. Other Words from guile Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About guile.
Is guile positive or negative?
The noun guile has quite negative connotations, as it refers to the kind of knowledge and skill that can be used by comic book villains for evil and not good! People who have guile are also thought of as being wily (which is also a related word), sneaky, and deceitful.
What does the bible mean by guile?
Treacherous cunning
Treacherous cunning; skillful deceit. noun. 40. 3. To beguile; deceive.
What is an example of guile?
smart but sometimes dishonest behavior that you use to deceive someone: The president will need to use all her political guile to stay in power. He is a simple man, totally lacking in guile.
How do you use guile in a sentence?
How to use guile in a sentence. The simple honest-hearted General, who knew not the guile of their hearts, was deluded into wishing them success. She knew that he loved her—a frank, blustering fellow without guile enough to conceal his feelings, and no desire to do so.
What is female guile?
a feminine fashion. 2 possessing qualities or characteristics considered typical of or appropriate to a woman. 3 effeminate; womanish.
What is the synonym of guile?
artfulness, caginess. (also cageyness), deviousness, shrewdness.
Can guile be positive?
The positive adjective is guileful, with its noun, guilefulness. The negative adjective is guileless and its noun is guilelessness. The verb, beguile, means “to deceive, to trick with guile or mesmerization”, and it provides a personal noun beguiler “a trickster”.
What is feminine guile?
adj. 1 suitable to or characteristic of a woman. a feminine fashion. 2 possessing qualities or characteristics considered typical of or appropriate to a woman. 3 effeminate; womanish.
What does lack of guile mean?
(gaɪl ) uncountable noun. Guile is the quality of being good at deceiving people in a clever way. I love children’s innocence and lack of guile. Synonyms: cunning, craft, deception, deceit More Synonyms of guile.
What is the synonyms of taciturn?
Some common synonyms of taciturn are reserved, reticent, secretive, and silent. While all these words mean “showing restraint in speaking,” taciturn implies a temperamental disinclination to speech and usually connotes unsociability.
What does guts and guile mean?
Sly or cunning intelligence
Sly or cunning intelligence. ‘he used all his guile and guts to free himself from the muddle he was in’