How can we view a ResultSet?

The ResultSet interface declares getter methods (for example, getBoolean and getLong ) for retrieving column values from the current row. You can retrieve values using either the index number of the column or the alias or name of the column. The column index is usually more efficient. Columns are numbered from 1.

How do I print a SQL query?

To print query results

  1. Select the columns or rows that you want to print.
  2. Use the Copy command to move them to the Clipboard.
  3. Switch to the Windows program you want to use to print the results.
  4. Use the Paste command to move the query results from the Clipboard.
  5. Format and print the results.

How do I print ResultSet sizes?

println(“Total number of rows in ResultSet object = “+rowCount); Simply iterate on ResultSet object and increment rowCount to obtain size of ResultSet object in java. rowCount = rs. getRow();

How do you print a query?

Printing Query Results

  1. Select Reporting Tools > Query > Query Manager.
  2. Click the Search button, and then click either the HTML or Excel links.
  3. Click the Print button or select File, Print. If you download the query to Microsoft Excel, you can print the query using Microsoft Excel’s print function.

How do I get all the ResultSet rows?

Getting the number of rows using methods The last() method of the ResultSet interface moves the cursor to the last row of the ResultSet and, the getRow() method returns the index/position of the current row.

Which type of SQL Statement returns a ResultSet?

The SQL SELECT statement returns a result set of records, from one or more tables. A SELECT statement retrieves zero or more rows from one or more database tables or database views. In most applications, SELECT is the most commonly used data manipulation language (DML) command.

How do I print a statement in PL SQL?

“print message in pl sql” Code Answer’s

  1. — EXAMPLE.
  3. BEGIN.
  4. DBMS_OUTPUT. PUT_LINE(‘This is printed. ‘ ||’This is concatenated and printed too!’ );
  5. END;
  6. /

Which query can be used to print the column entries?

Syntax of SELECT query SELECT query is used to retieve records from a table. We can specify the names of the columns which we want in the resultset.

How do I find the number of rows in a ResultSet?

After you get the ResultSet, call its last() method to move its cursor to the last row in the result set. Call the getRow() method when the cursor is at the last row. The getRow() method will return the row number of the last row, which will be the number of rows in the result set.

How can I get row count from ResultSet?

How do I print a selected query in SQL Server?

Declare @SumVal int; Select @SumVal=Sum(Amount) From Expense; Print @SumVal; You can, of course, print any number of fields from the table in this way. Of course, if you want to print all of the results from a query that returns multiple rows, you’d just direct your output appropriately (e.g. to Text).

How do you print a message in PL SQL?