Can you email your senators?

When sending email to your senator, please include your return postal mailing address. Please be aware that as a matter of professional courtesy, many senators will acknowledge, but not respond to, a message from another senator’s constituent.

How much do NJ state senators make?

New Jersey Senate
Length of term 4 years (with one two-year term each decade)
Authority Article IV, New Jersey Constitution
Salary $49,000/year

Can senators be recalled by constituents?

No, they cannot. Any attempt by a state to recall a member of Congress is prohibited by the Federal Constitution.

How do I email the senator of New Jersey?

New Jersey Legislature To send a message to your State legislator(s), click on the email envelope icon to the left of the legislator’s name on the legislative roster page. For legislative information you may e-mail: [email protected].

Who are my senators in NJ?

Cory Booker (Democratic Party)
Bob Menendez (Democratic Party)
New Jersey/Senators

Is New Jersey a red state?

New Jersey is one of the fifty U.S. states. The state is considered a Democratic stronghold and part of the “Blue Wall” in presidential elections, since it has consistently voted for Democrats in every election since 1992.

Can a senator be impeached and removed from office?

If a federal official commits a crime or otherwise acts improperly, the House of Representatives may impeach—formally charge—that official. If the official subsequently is convicted in a Senate impeachment trial, he is removed from office.

Can a senator be expelled from office?

The United States Constitution gives the Senate the power to expel any member by a two-thirds vote.

How can I write to Cory Booker?

US Senator Cory Booker

  1. Cory (Cory) Booker (D) Email – Web Site – Twitter.
  2. Capitol: 202.224.3224.
  3. FAX: 202.224.8378.
  4. District: 973.639.8700.

How do I get in touch with Senator Cory Booker?

Office Locations

  1. Newark. One Gateway Center. 23rd Floor. Newark, NJ 07102. Phone: (973) 639-8700. Fax: (202) 224-5702.
  2. Camden. One Port Center. 2 Riverside Dr., Suite 505. Camden, NJ 08103. Phone: (856) 338-8922. Fax: (202) 224-5701.
  3. Washington, D.C. 717 Hart Senate. Office Building. Washington, DC 20510. Phone: (202) 224-3224.