How do you wrap a stump after amputation?
How do you wrap a stump after amputation?
General guidelines
- Use 1 or 2 clean 4-inch elastic bandages each day.
- Sit on the edge of a firm bed or chair.
- Always wrap in a diagonal direction.
- Keep the tension greatest at the end of the limb.
- Make sure there are at least 2 layers of bandage and that no layer directly overlaps another.
What is amputation stump bandages?
An elastic bandage applied to an amputation stump to control postoperative edema and to shape the stump. The elastic bandage is applied in a recurrent or figure-of-eight fashion with more pressure applied to the distal, rather than the proximal, portion of the limb.
When do you start stump bandaging?
proper positioning in bed immediately after sur gery; walking, exercise, and stump bandaging are usually started a few days after surgery. Early preprosthetic treatment and prosthetic fitting lead to better adjustment and rehabilitation of the amputee.
How do you wrap a stump bandage?
Figure: Place the end of the bandage just above his knee and wrap it down the side of his stump, over the end, then back up the other side to above the knee. Avoid wrinkling the bandage throughout the wrapping process. Turn the bandage horizontally and circle it around his leg to secure both sides.
How do you change a stump dressing?
Unwind the outer wrap, or cut off the outer dressing with clean scissors. Gently remove the dressing from the wound. If the dressing is stuck, wet it with warm tap water, wait 3 to 5 minutes for it to loosen, and remove it. Place the old dressing in the plastic bag.
How do you dress an amputated wound?
Use soap and water on a gauze pad or a clean cloth to wash your wound. Start at one end of the wound and clean it to the other end. Be sure to wash away any drainage or dried blood. Do not scrub the wound hard.
How do you wrap a transtibial residual limb?
Transtibial residual limb wrapping.
- begin by placing a double-length 4-in.
- wrap around once to secure the bandage comfortably, but not too tightly.
- continue the bandage around the back, and cross to corner D.
- bring the bandage around corner D, and cross upward in a direction toward B.
Why is spiral bandage used?
Spiral bandages are usually used for cylindrical parts of the body. An elasticated bandage can also be used to apply spiral bandaging to a tapered body part. Despite the increasing diameter of the body part, the elasticity will allow the bandage to fit closely to the skin.
When would you use an elastic bandage?
A compression bandage is a long strip of stretchable cloth that you can wrap around a sprain or strain. It’s also called an elastic bandage or a Tensor bandage. The gentle pressure of the bandage helps reduce swelling, so it may help the injured area feel better.
When do you use reverse spiral bandaging?
- Spiral turns are used to bandage cylindrical parts of the body that are fairly uniform in circumference,
- Spiral reverse turns are used to bandage cylindrical parts of the body that are not uniform in.
- The figure-of-eight method permits flexibility of the elbow, knee and ankle without disturbing the.