What do you say before cutting a wedding cake?

STEP #12 : ANNOUNCE THE CUTTING OF THE CAKE MC INTRODUCTION: “And now comes the cutting of that beautiful cake (find out who made it and announce that). So I’d like… (bride)…and… (groom)…to walk around to the front of the bridal table to perform their first duty as husband and wife.”

What should the wedding cake say?


  1. Best Wishes to [Bride] and [Groom]!
  2. Here Comes the Bride!
  3. Wishing You a Lifetime of Wedded Bliss.
  4. And They Lived Happily Ever After.
  5. Showers of Happiness For Both of You!
  6. [Bride’s Initials] + [Groom’s Initials]
  7. Live, Laugh, Love.
  8. Wishing a Happy Life to the Future Husband and Wife.

What does cutting the cake at a wedding symbolize?

Cutting the Cake Along with the first dance and bouquet toss, this charming tradition is one of those photo opportunities that graces every wedding album. The cake cutting represents the first activity done as a couple, although historically the bride did this act alone to symbolize the loss of her virginity.

How do you introduce a speech at a wedding?

Wedding Speech Opening Lines: Simple and Sincere Opening Lines. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you (name) for the kind introduction.” “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. As (name’s friend/relative), I’m delighted to welcome you all here tonight.”

How do you conduct a cake cutting ceremony?

The bride places her hand on the cake-cutting knife, and then the groom places his hand over hers as they make two gentle cuts to form a single slice of cake. You then remove the slice onto a plate, and the groom proceeds to feed you the first bite, and then you feed him the second one.

Do you cut the cake before speeches?

You may choose to cut the cake right away, soon after your grand exit – even before dinner and speeches. Not only does this ensure that everyone is there because they want to be – not because they feel socially obligated – but it also can help with your photography package.

What is the tradition of cutting the cake?

Cutting it represents the first task as a married couple – bringing luck to their new lives together. Historically the bride would cut the cake and distribute to the guests herself. However as time went on and more guests attended the wedding day, this become a more difficult task and the groom would help too.

What does a cake symbolize?

Cakes are the symbol of sweetness and celebrations. The good times do not need an excuse to knock at your door. This is exactly what a cake denotes in dream.