What mixes with water to make explosions?

Water droplets (bottom frame) do not form spikes and do not, of course, react violently. For decades, science enthusiasts have delighted at the famously energetic way sodium and potassium explode on contact with water.

What metal makes water explode?

sodium metal
Chemists have scrutinized a classic piece of bench chemistry — the explosion that happens when sodium metal hits water — and revised the thinking of how it works. On contact with water, the metal produces sodium hydroxide, hydrogen and heat, which was thought to ignite the hydrogen and cause the explosion.

Which metal reacts with water and blast?

The alkali metals (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, and Fr) are the most reactive metals in the periodic table – they all react vigorously or even explosively with cold water, resulting in the displacement of hydrogen.

What chemical reacts violently with water?

Common Water-Reactive Chemicals

Chemical Name Reaction with Water
Lithium metal Powder reacts explosively with water
Methyltrichlosilane Violent reaction forming HCl
Oxalyl chloride Violent reaction forming HCl
Phosphorous pentachloride Violent reaction

What two things mixed together explode?

Two Household Chemicals That Explode When Mixed – Check Out The Dangers

  • Bleach And Ammonia. Both are cleaning equipment that exists in your everyday kitchen.
  • Bleach and Rubbing Alcohol.
  • Two Different Brand of Batteries.
  • Potassium and water.
  • Baking soda and vinegar.
  • Mentos and Soda.

What element is flammable with water?

Water is made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is flammable, but oxygen is not.

Which metal is react with hot water?

Reaction of Metals With Water:

Cold Water Sodium, potassium and calcium readily react with cold water, to produce hydroxides.
Hot Water Magnesium does not react with cold water, but reacts with hot water to produce hydroxide.

Did any metal produce fire on water?

Yes, Potassium and sodium react vigorously with water and produce fire.

Which metal reacts most vigorously with water?

Sodium metal reacts vigorously with water.