How do you keep ED-E after lonesome road?

On rare occasions ED-E will not follow the player character when they release him from the repair chamber. To fix this activate a door needed to pass and wait twice, ED-E will open the door, but not follow. At this point, reload the last save and ED-E should act as normal.

What is the divide’s signature weapon?

The Divide has one signature weapon called Red Glare. Red Glare is a missile launcher you can pick up when you are tasked with picking up the laser detonator.

What should I not miss in lonesome road?

Fallout New Vegas: 10 Things You Missed In The Lonesome Road DLC

  • The Hopeville Armory. There are many optional locations in The Lonesome Road DLC, and the Hopeville Armory is among the most useful of these old buildings.
  • Three In-Game Days Pass When You Enter And Leave The Divide.
  • The Scorched Sierra Power Armor.

How do you stop the missile from Lonesome Road?

Go to the missile control panel and attempt to stop the missile launch. Select to have ED-E hack the missiles and stop the launch.

Where are all the warheads in lonesome road?

Follow the High Road and just before reaching The Crow’s Nest there is a warhead stuck in the highway. After the Crow’s Nest, the highway will bend to the south, and another warhead is seen in an army truck that is surrounded by deathclaws. The end of the highway is marked by a collapsed tunnel overpass.

Can you take ED-E out of lonesome road?

Yes, ED-E goes back to Primm when excused from the party until you have the high-roller suite; then you have the option to send him back to Primm or the suite.

What were the rockets red glare?

Used by both the British and Americans during the War of 1812, Congreve rockets bursting during the Battle of Ft. McHenry created “the rockets’ red glare” that inspired Francis Scott Key to compose “The Star Spangled Banner,” later adopted as the national anthem of the United States.

What happens if you launch the missiles in lonesome road?

Launch the missiles. Target: The NCR. As catastrophic as the damage was for NCR, the act made the Courier stronger for having no history, and no retreat. It was an ending to things – a way of erasing the road that had led to this point and the history that had walked with it.

Are there warheads in the Courier’s Mile?

The area contains two warheads that are required for the Warhead Hunter achievement/trophy/challenge. One is located to the upper right of the rubble wall, very close to several irradiated deathclaws and the other is located on the lower left wall inside a camp of several irradiated marked men.