What is the most accurate law school predictor?

The LSAT Is Still the Most Accurate Predictor of Law School Success.

Is law school predictor accurate?

Its predictions combine admission index formulas published by law schools, using 25% LSAT and 75% GPA information of matriculated students. The result is an index score that is unique to each school for every year and is far more accurate than one can expect from a free online tool.

Is it harder to get into law school in 2021?

The Sources. More than any year in recent history, this cycle has seen a huge increase in applicants. As of June 4, 2021, there are 17.6% more applicants than there were on that same date last year, which comes out to an additional 10,205 applicants.

Is a 3.5 GPA competitive for law school?

Law schools generally require that you have specified minimum collegiate GPA and LSAT scores to qualify for admission. Harvard, Yale, and the other top five-ranked law schools require that you have a GPA of at least 3.50 and an LSAT score of 170.

Is it hard to get a 160 on the LSAT?

The LSAT has between 99 and 102 questions, and is scored from 120-180. In order to get an LSAT score of 160, you would need to get about 70-75 out of the 102 questions correct. In other words, you should be aiming to get around 70-75% of questions correct per section.

Do law schools look at last two years?

We consider all years of study and, as a general rule, applicants with strong cumulative averages will be preferred. However, we will place greater weight on the last 2 years of full-time (or equivalent) undergraduate study in appropriate circumstances, typically where the cumulative average falls below 3.7.

Is Georgetown splitter friendly?

Here are the results: Northwestern and UVA are the only schools we could call splitter friendly (again, compared only to the other Top 14 schools), and Columbia, NYU, Penn, Michigan, Duke, and Georgetown all fall on the friendly side of average.

Will LSAT medians go down in 2022?

50% Through The Fall 2022 Law School Admissions Season: Applicants Are Down 5.4% And In All LSAT Bands (Especially 170-180 (-14.8%) And 160-169 (-9.2%)) (Jan. 10, 2022)