What is another word for assignee?

In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for assignee, like: grantee, guardian, appointee, administrator, assignor, mortgagee, lessee, chargee, grantor, mortgagor and equitable interest.

What is another word for share equally?

•halve (verb) share equally, split in two, reduce by fifty percent, bisect.

What’s a big word for same?

Some common synonyms of same are equal, equivalent, identical, selfsame, and very.

What is another word for having the same value?

Some common synonyms of equal are equivalent, identical, same, selfsame, and very. While all these words mean “not different or not differing from one another,” equal implies being identical in value, magnitude, or some specified quality.

What is the opposite of assignee?

Opposite of a person who acts on behalf of another person or group. patient. recipient.

What is the meaning of assignor?

Definition: A party or entity who transfers the rights of the contract they hold to another party (assignee) is called the assignor. Description: Assignor transfers the complete rights of ownership and benefits pertaining to the contract to the assignee.

What is a synonym for exactly the same?

Having identical attributes, characteristics, amounts, or qualities. identical. indistinguishable. alike. equal.

What are two synonyms for equal?

synonyms for equal

  • balanced.
  • commensurate.
  • comparable.
  • corresponding.
  • equivalent.
  • identical.
  • proportionate.
  • according.

Has been assigned meaning?

to give a particular job or piece of work to someone: [ + two objects ] UN troops were assigned the task of rebuilding the hospital. The case has been assigned to our most senior officer.

Who is assignor and assignee?

An assignor and an assignee are two parties who engage in an assignment to transfer rights from one entity to another. The assignor is the person who gives the rights away, while the assignee is the person who receives those rights.