What is the difference between a SICAV and a FCP?

The distinction is however more important for the fund initiator than for the investor. As we wrote in our article entitled “How do I invest in a mutual fund … and how do I get out again,” an investment company with variable capital (SICAV) issues shares, while the mutual fund (FCP) issues units.

What is FCP fund type?

FCP stands for the French expression fonds commun de placement, meaning an open-ended collective investment fund. Like a unit trust in the UK, an FCP is set up in the form of a contract between the fund manager and the investors, in a similar way to a partnership, and is not a separate legal entity in its own right.

What is an FCP in Luxembourg?

A FCP in Luxembourg is the acronym from Fonds Commun du Placement, which represents a common investment fund that is registered as an open-ended mutual fund.

Is an FCP a partnership?

In France, commonly referred to as FCP or F.C.P., these financial instruments are collective investments that are similar to the SICAV. They are not investment companies; they are more like open partnerships.


LEGAL FORM A UCITS may be constituted as: a common contractual fund (fonds commun de placement – FCP).

Is an FCP regulated?

Their liability is limited to the amount they have subscribed to. directives in order to make such assessment. The management regulations are the constitutive document of the FCP. They regulate the relationship between the management company and the investors, as well as the rights and obligations of the latter.

What is FCP in UCITS?

Each can elect to be a UCITS funds. FCP “Fonds Commun de Placement”, means a “common investment fund”. It is comparable to a unit trust. A FCP is set up in a contractual form; a contract between the fund manager and the investors. It is not a separate legal entity in its own right.


FCP® is a privately held real estate investment company that has invested in or financed more than $9.3 billion in assets since its founding in 1999.

What is an FCP?

A first contact practitioner (FCP) is an experienced physiotherapist who has the advanced skills necessary to assess, diagnose and recommend appropriate treatment or referral for musculoskeletal (MSK) problems on a patient’s first contact with healthcare services e.g. when they visit their GP surgery.

Is SICAV same as UCITS?

UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) are just one type of fund in Luxembourg. They are usually targeted at retail investors and most commonly take the form of a SICAV (Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable), i.e. an investment company with variable capital.

Is a SICAV a mutual fund?

A Société d’investissement à Capital Variable, or SICAV fund, is a publicly-traded open-end investment fund structure offered in Europe. SICAV funds are similar to open-end mutual funds in the U.S. Shares in the fund are bought and sold based on the fund’s current net asset value (NAV).

What does FCP stand for?


Acronym Definition
FCP Firewall Control Proxy (SIP)
FCP Fund Control Point
FCP Firm Cost Proposal
FCP Firewall Communication Protocol