How do you write a WHILE LOOP in SQL Server 2008?
How do you write a WHILE LOOP in SQL Server 2008?
UNTIL version of SQL server.
- DO.. WHILE Loop.
- REPEAT..UNTIL Loop. DECLARE @X INT = 1; WAY: — Here the REPEAT statement PRINT @X; SET @X += 1; IFNOT(@X > 10) GOTO WAY;
- FOR Loop. DECLARE @cnt INT = 0; WHILE @cnt < 10 BEGIN PRINT ‘Inside FOR LOOP’; SET @cnt = @cnt + 1; END; PRINT ‘Done FOR LOOP’;
How WHILE LOOP works in SQL Server?
The while loop in SQL begins with the WHILE keyword followed by the condition which returns a Boolean value i.e. True or False. The body of the while loop keeps executing unless the condition returns false. The body of a while loop in SQL starts with a BEGIN block and ends with an END block.
Can we use WHILE LOOP in SQL?
WHILE loop is the looping construct supported by Sql Server. Sql server doesn’t have for…loop, do… while loop etc, but with WHILE loop we can simulate these missing looping constructs behaviour.
How do you write a loop in SQL Server?
The syntax for the While Loop in SQL Server (T-SQL) is, WHILE BEGIN….For example,
- DECLARE @numValue INT = 0.
- WHILE @numValue < 5.
- SET @numValue = @numValue + 1.
- PRINT ‘Inside WHILE LOOP ‘ + CAST(@numValue AS VARCHAR) + ‘ !! ‘
- END.
How many types of loops are there in SQL Server?
Almost all programming languages implement them, and we’ll usually meet these 3 types of loops: WHILE – While the loop condition is true, we’ll execute the code inside that loop. DO … WHILE – Works in the same manner as the WHILE loop, but the loop condition is tested at the end of the loop.
How do you exit a while loop in SQL Server?
To exit the current iteration of a loop, you use the BREAK statement. In this syntax, the BREAK statement exit the WHILE loop immediately once the condition specified in the IF statement is met. All the statements between the BREAK and END keywords are skipped.
How do you repeat a SQL query?
MySQL REPEAT() Function
- Repeat a string 3 times: SELECT REPEAT(“SQL Tutorial”, 3);
- Repeat the text in CustomerName 2 times: SELECT REPEAT(CustomerName, 2) FROM Customers;
- Repeat the string 0 times: SELECT REPEAT(“SQL Tutorial”, 0);
How do you run a loop in SQL query?
- The initial step is executed first, and only once. This step allows you to declare and initialize any loop control variables.
- Next, the condition, i.e., initial_value ..
- After the body of the for loop executes, the value of the counter variable is increased or decreased.
- The condition is now evaluated again.
How do you prevent a loop in SQL?
Avoid the use of the WHILE LOOP. Use UNION ALL instead of UNION whenever is possible. Avoid using the joins of multiple tables in the where and join in the from clause.