Why is purple for Prematurity Day?

The colour purple represents sensitivity and exceptionality, which is fitting for this year’s World Prematurity Day (17 November) under the theme: Together for babies born too soon – Caring for the future.

What is the color for World Prematurity Day?

Purple is the official color for National World Prematurity Day.

Is there a symbol for preemie?

The global symbol of World Prematurity Day is a tiny purple sock hanging amongst a line of nine full-sized baby socks. The small pair of purple socks symbolises the one in ten babies who are born preterm across the world.

What is the purpose of World Prematurity Day?

The World Health Organization commemorates the World Prematurity Day (17 November) to raise awareness of premature birth and the sometimes devastating impacts on families.

What is the theme of World Prematurity Day 2021?

Theme: This year the theme of World Prematurity Day is “Zero Separation Act now! Keep parents and babies born too soon together.”

How do we celebrate World Prematurity Day?

On November 17, World Prematurity Day, March of Dimes raises awareness of the global crisis of prematurity. You can join us to take action by: Donating to support lifesaving research, advocacy and programs to improve the health of mom and babies. Demanding #BlanketChange for policies that put moms and babies first.

What color ribbon is for preemie babies?

color purple
Prematurity Awareness is represented by the color purple. Choose below from our in stock selection of rubber wristbands, ribbon magnets, lapel pins and more or place a custom order to support Premature Birth Awareness for your event or fundraiser.

When did World Prematurity Day start?

History. The first international awareness day for preterm birth on 17 November was created by European parent organizations in 2008. It has been celebrated as World Prematurity Day since 2011.

What does the color purple mean in pregnancy?

Purple areas have had active Zika transmission sometime in the past, and there could still be cases. Travelers to purple areas might be at risk of Zika infection.

What does purple stand for?

The color purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. Purple also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence, and magic.