Is 76 by 700 good for a telescope?

With the National Geographic 76/700 Mirror Telescope AZ, you can look at objects like the moon or constellations. Thanks to the telescope’s mirror, you can observe far-away, bright planets. You can use the 3 eyepieces to zoom in deeper on your subject, so you can look at details such as craters.

Is a 70mm telescope worth it?

However, a 70 mm refractor (which collects 36% more light than a 60mm telescope) is considered by many amateur astronomers to be the minimum size for a good quality beginner refractor telescope. It is acceptable for observing bright objects like lunar details, planets, star clusters, and bright double stars.

What can you see through a 700mm telescope?

With a 70mm telescope, you will easily be able to see every planet in the Solar System. You will also be able to take a great look at the Moon and clearly distinguish most of its recognizable features and craters. Mars will look great.

What can you see with 60 700mm telescope?

One can study the moon nightly for years and still not see everything a 60mm telescope is capable of revealing! The planets are excellent targets as well. You’ll be able to see Saturn’s ring, Jupiter’s moons, and the phases of Venus. Be sure to check out Mars as well.

What can I see with Celestron AstroMaster 70AZ?

Discover our Solar System with the Celestron AstroMaster 70AZ! You’ll be ready to observe in minutes thanks to the quick and easy no-tool setup. The 70AZ provides bright, clear images of the Moon, planets, star clusters, and more for great nighttime viewing.

Is 700 focal length good?

Yes indeed, a 60mm refractor with a 700mm focal length is most definitely ‘good enough’! Chances are pretty good that the optical quality of your telescope lies somewhere within the good to excellent range! Some of us (myself for one) started out with a telescope of similar size.