What causes Trichophyton verrucosum?

Ringworm is a transmissible infectious skin disease caused by Trichophyton verrucosum, a spore forming fungi. The spores can stay alive for years in a dry environment. It is transmitted to all species of mammals including cattle and man.

Is Trichophyton verrucosum zoonotic?

The zoophilic dermatophyte Trichophyton verrucosum is the most important causative agent of bovine dermatophytosis. Additionally, it causes profound and poorly healing skin infections in humans indicating the high zoonotic potential.

What animals are affected by Trichophyton verrucosum?

Trichophyton verrucosum, commonly known as the cattle ringworm fungus, is a dermatophyte largely responsible for fungal skin disease in cattle, but is also a common cause of ringworm in donkeys, dogs, goat, sheep, and horses.

Can humans get Trichophyton?

Trichophyton verrucosum is a zoophilic infectious agent causing 98% of the dermatophytic infections of cattle. Transmission to humans has, until recently, been rare.

How is Dermatophilosis diagnosed?

Dermatophilosis is diagnosed by demonstrating rows of coccoid bodies with a “railroad track” appearance on a Giemsa-stained smear. It is speculated that clinical disease results from a combination of predisposing factors, such as stress and concurrent infections.

What is deep mycosis?

Deep mycoses are caused by primary pathogenic and opportunistic fungal pathogens. The primary pathogenic fungi are able to establish infection in a normal host; whereas, opportunistic pathogens require a compromised host in order to establish infection (e.g., cancer, organ transplantation, surgery, and AIDS).

Do cows have ringworm?

Ringworm can be found in cats, dogs, sheep, rabbits, dairy and beef cattle, and horses.

How does Trichophyton enter the body?

They can be transmitted by direct contact, by contact with infested particles (of dead skin, nails, hair) shed by the host, and by contact with the fungi’s spores.

Who discovered Trichophyton?

Gruby (1842-1844) detected the fungus in tinea as a causative agent and C.P. Robin (1853) described Microsporum mentagrophytes that was transferred to Trichophyton by Blanchard (1896).

Can humans get dermatophilosis?

Dermatophilosis has occasionally been transmitted to humans working closely with infected animals. Human infection usually results in mild, self-limiting skin lesions, though people with deficiencies of their immune system may experience more severe infections.

What are the symptoms of dermatophilosis?

Clinical signs of dermatophilosis include regional or generalized tufted papules and crusts that can resemble small paintbrushes. Exudate may be present under the crusts in early lesions. Lesions commonly occur on the dorsum, face, neck, and distal extremities (Fig. 18.13).

What is the most fatal systemic fungal infection known to man?

Systemic Mycoses Caused by Dimorphic Fungi immitis is probably the most virulent of all human mycotic pathogens (Clinical Case 64.2).