What does the name salvation mean?

Definition of salvation 1a : deliverance from the power and effects of sin. b : the agent or means that effects salvation. c Christian Science : the realization of the supremacy of infinite Mind over all bringing with it the destruction of the illusion of sin, sickness, and death.

What is the biblical meaning of salvation?

In Christianity, salvation (also called deliverance or redemption) is the “saving [of] human beings from sin and its consequences, which include death and separation from God” by Christ’s death and resurrection, and the justification following this salvation.

What is the origin of salvation?

Therefore, salvation has been primarily conceived in terms of the destiny of Israel as the elect people of Yahweh (often referred to as “the Lord”), the God of Israel. In the biblical text of Psalms, there is a description of death, when people go into the earth or the “realm of the dead” and cannot praise God.

What does it mean that God is invisible?

God is invisible. And not just that; you cannot bump into him or touch him, for he is intangible, neither does he make any sound. And he doesn’t smell, either. In fact, he is absolutely undetectable by any of our senses, and cannot be found even by our most sophisticated scientific instruments. …

What does the word save mean in Greek?

As an example consider the greek word sozo which has been translated in the New Testament the following ways: save or saved. whole. healed. preserve.

Which name means God is salvation?

Isaiah. The 23rd book of the Old Testament is Isaiah. Similarly to Joshua, the name means “God is salvation.”

What is the meaning of the Greek word Sozo?

save or saved whole healed
As an example consider the greek word sozo which has been translated in the New Testament the following ways: save or saved. whole. healed. preserve.

Does God the Father have an image?

In the Book of Genesis we are told that God created us in his own image and likeness. We have dutifully returned the compliment ever since and formed God back into our own image and likeness. As Jesus himself used the fatherly analogy we have, as Christians, felt duty bound to adhere rigidly to that image.

What is the Hebrew word for saved?

שׁ. ע (y. sh. a), and the verb to save, when used in loftier contexts, is לְהוֹשִׂיעַ listen and repeat, an active-causative verb of the פ”י variety.

What does soteria mean in Greek?

Soteria, (from Greek: “deliverance”), in Hellenistic religions, any sacrifice or series of sacrifices performed either in commemoration or in expectation of deliverance from a crisis; in a specific sense the word was often used in reference to large-scale commemorative festivals held at planned intervals.