What town is H-Town?

Houston, Texas
H-Town is an American R&B vocal group from Houston, Texas, United States.

What is H-Town known for?

Houston is known as the world capital of space exploration, the world capital of air conditioning, the world capital of the international energy industry, the world capital of petroleum exploration and the world capital of capital punishment.

How do you spell H-Town?

Definitions for H-TOWN. H-TOWN.

Where is the Group H-Town now?

Conner, better known to R&B fans as Dino, lead singer of the group H-Town, was killed in a car accident on Tuesday. According to Houston police, Dino, 28, had just left a recording studio and was a passenger in a car being driven by his girlfriend, 22-year-old Teshya Rae Weisent.

Is Dino Conner still alive?

January 28, 2003Keven Connor / Date of death

Does Houston have a nickname?

There is something inherently cool about a city that isn’t just one thing. Our city’s many nicknames reflect Houston’s connections to climate (the “Bayou City”), culture (“H-town”), industry (“Space City”) — even our openness a decade ago in taking in Hurricane Katrina evacuees (“The Big Heart”). Classy.

What makes Houston unique?

The city is filled with unique, world-class museums and cultural landmarks, like the Rothko Chapel. Houston’s Museum of Fine Arts is among the largest museums in the U.S., and one of the best collections of American decorative art and furniture in the house of a former trustee, along with 14 acres of former gardens.

Is Houston called H-Town?

“H-Town” is a widely popular modern nickname for Houston. It is commonly used in reference to the city both locally and internationally, especially within the entertainment community.

Do they call Houston H-Town?

H-Town is undoubtedly one of Houston’s most popular nicknames. Houston was never referred to as Houstontown or H-town. The nickname H-Town started to become commonly used in the 90s.

Is Dino from H-Town Dead?

Who are the members of H-Town?

Keven ConnorVocals
Solomon ConnerVocalsDarryl JacksonVocalsDelando Conner

How did Dino from H-Town pass away?

Traffic collisionKeven Connor / Cause of deathA traffic collision, also called a motor vehicle collision, car accident or car crash, occurs when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road debris, or other stationary obstruction, such as a tree, pole or building. Wikipedia