What is Zoidberg supposed to be?

Zoidberg, often referred to only by his last name, is a fictional character from the animated series Futurama. He is a Decapodian, a crustacean-like species of alien, who works as the staff doctor for Planet Express, despite his woeful understanding of human physiology and allusions to his questionable credentials.

Where is Zoidberg from?

Roswell, New Mexico
Zoidberg is actually the alien discovered in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. He seems to live in various places around the Planet Express Building, notably the Dumpster, in which he has been seen numerous times looking for food and shelter.

How old is Hermes Futurama?


Hermes Conrad
Age 63
Date of birth 2959
Gender Male
Species Human

How old is Philip J Fry?

Philip J. Fry
A promotional picture of Fry.
Age At time of freezing: 25; Chronologically: 2046 (If not counting the events of 6ACV07); Biologically: 47 See age section for more information
Date of birth 14 August, 1974[3ACV04]
Gender Male

What color is Dr Zoidberg?

Zoidberg, ladies and gentlemen, is pink. His shell, however, is more of a reddish orange, more reddish.

What is Bender 40% of?

Throughout the seasons Bender has admitted to being forty percent titanium, forty percent scrap metal, forty percent dolomite, forty percent wire, and forty percent luck. Also, the third world workers in season six, episode three, “Attack of the Killer App” say he is forty percent chromium.

Does Hermes hate Zoidberg?

Hermes is known for his cold and pure hatred to Zoidberg and started showing it in “Hell Is Other Robots” when he blamed Zoidberg for hogging up electricity when it was actually Bender who was doing it.