What happens at the end of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel?

At the end of the pre sequel, the alien thing warns the vault hunters that war is coming and they’ll have to gather everyone up. But since the release of the commander lilith dlc, the story seems to have moved towards stopping others from getting the vaults for nefarious purposes.

Why is Handsome Jack face messed up?

As Jack grabbed the object, he began seeing visions of The Warrior, the Vault it was sealed in, and the Eridium buried through the planet. Lilith then appeared and destroyed the object, causing a blast of energy that destroyed Jack’s left eye and branded his face with the Vault symbol.

Is Timothy Handsome Jack?

Timothy Lawrence, formerly known as “Jack”, is a look-alike body double of Handsome Jack. Representing the Doppelganger class, “Jack” is the fifth playable character in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, first revealed at PAX Prime 2014.

Who is Handsome Jack’s wife?

From Jack’s wiki article: “Later in life Jack married and had a daughter, Angel, one of the universe’s rare Sirens. During Angel’s youth, he trapped her in Control Core Angel in order to use her to control Pandora’s ECHOnet and to open the vault of The Warrior.

Is the watcher an Eridian?

The Watcher is an alien entity of Eridian origin.

Is Lilith dead Borderlands 3?

Both Lilith and Maya, the Siren characters from Borderlands 1 and Borderlands 2 respectively, are dead by the end of Borderlands 3. However, unlike Maya, Lilith’s death isn’t shown directly. After regaining her Siren abilities, Lilith engulfs the moon Elpis in flames to seal it before it can collide with Pandora.

How old is Rhys?

Rhys was born on October 29, 1993. He celebrated his 27th birthday in 2020.

What did Jack do to Tannis?

Between the events of Borderlands and Borderlands 2, Handsome Jack steals the Vault key from Tannis by torturing her “ceiling chairs”, including one she had developed feelings for, intending to charge it with Eridium to open another Vault containing an ancient Warrior.

Is Zer0 a Eridian?

Conclusion: Zero is an Eridian-Human hybrid.