Can Replens cause bleeding?

Replens aims to provide safe, risk-free products by avoiding estrogen, preservatives, parabens, and petrochemicals. While the products are free of these key ingredients, there’s still a risk of irritation and some side effects. For example, some users have reported: bleeding.

Is it normal to have discharge after using Replens?

Some women notice a residue or discharge after initial use of Replens MDTM. This is caused by the elimination of dead skin cells. Your body naturally sheds dry vaginal tissue that has built up over time. Replens MDTM enhances this renewal process and leaves softer, more supple tissue behind.

Can Replens cause brown discharge?

Some women may get a harmless brownish discharge with Replens, said Dr. Isaac Schiff, the chief of the Vincent Memorial Obstetrics and Gynecology Service at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

Can Replens cause infection?

Some users report unusual discharge, vaginal bleeding, and yeast infections after using Replens products. If a person does experience unwanted side effects from Replens products, they should stop using the product and seek medical advice.

Can too much estrogen cause bleeding?

In many women, a hormone imbalance causes bleeding. These women may have too much estrogen or not enough progesterone. Polyps or fibroids (small and large growths) in the uterus can also cause bleeding. Cancer of the uterus and infection of the cervix are other causes of bleeding.

Can dryness cause bleeding?

Vaginal dryness can lead to bleeding. In addition to GSM, vaginal dryness can be caused by many other factors, such as: breastfeeding. childbirth.

Can estriol cream cause bleeding?

The following adverse reactions, associated with estrogen treatment may occur during estriol therapy or overdose: Nausea and vomiting, breast tenderness or pain in the breasts, vaginal bleeding or spotting during or on withdrawal of therapy, excessive production of cervical mucus, headache.

What is Postcoil bleeding?

Postcoital bleeding consists of spotting or bleeding that is not related to menstruation and occurs during or after sexual intercourse. The point prevalence ranges from 0.7 to 9.0% with one report indicating that the annual cumulative incidence is 6% among menstruating women [1–3].

Can estrogen cream cause bleeding?

Also, many women who are using estrogens with a progestin (another female hormone) will start having monthly vaginal bleeding that is similar to menstrual periods. This effect will continue for as long as the medicine is taken.