What are the rules for playing 9 ball?

The rules are fairly simple. You aim to pot the balls in order until the 9 ball drops. Whoever pots it has won, regardless of how many of the previous balls the player was responsible for holing. Miss a shot and no balls go down, your turn is over and your opponent comes to the table.

How many games are in 9 ball?

It is played on a rectangular billiard table with pockets at each of the four corners and in the middle of each long side. Using a cue stick, players must strike the white cue ball to pocket nine colored billiard balls, hitting them in ascending numerical order….Nine-ball.

World Games 2001

How is 9 ball scored?

Nine on a combination is nine points. All balls legally pocketed after hitting current object ball count one point each. Any balls made during a scratch or foul are not counted and player loses turn. Scratch, or foul on the break counts zero and player loses turn.

How do you set up a 9-ball?

The object balls are racked in a diamond shape, with the one ball at the top of the diamond and on the foot spot, the nine ball in the center of the diamond, and the other balls in random order, racked as tightly as possible. the game begins with cue ball in hand behind the head string. 3.

What is the difference between 8 and 9-ball pool?

Eight Ball is the better game for the novice because they can more easily cover up their mistakes with a little strategy. Nine Ball is less forgiving and demands more shot-making skills. At the pro level, the shot-maker generally wins more at 9-Ball, while the thinker wins more at 8-Ball.

What is a foul in 9-ball?

FOULS. When a player commits a foul, he must relinquish his run at the table and no balls pocketed on the foul shot are respotted (exception: if a pocketed ball is the 9-ball, it is respotted). The incoming player is awarded ball in hand; prior to his first shot he may place the cue ball anywhere on the table.

What happens if you hit the wrong ball in 9-ball?

“Wrong Ball First” and “No Rail” fouls are suspended for the shot. If no foul is committed on a push out, the other player may play the next shot, or may pass the shot to the opponent. A player is entitled to continue shooting until he fails to legally pocket a ball.

Is 8-ball or 9 ball harder?

Since 9-Ball is more of a shooter’s game and 8-Ball more of a thinker’s game, 8-Ball is harder to master. Eight Ball is the better game for the novice because they can more easily cover up their mistakes with a little strategy. Nine Ball is less forgiving and demands more shot-making skills.

Can you jump in 9 ball?

11. JUMP AND MASSE SHOT FOUL. If a match is not refereed, it will be considered a cue ball foul if during an attempt to jump, curve or masse the cue ball over or around an impeding numbered ball, the impeding ball moves (regardless of whether it was moved by a hand, cue stick follow-through or bridge).

Is 8-Ball or 9-ball harder?