Which plant is best for office?

23 Best Office Plants to Boost Workplace Productivity

  • Bonsai, the diva that’s worth it.
  • Neon pothos, down to hang and hardy.
  • Snake plants, strong in low light.
  • Rubber plants and air plants, stately and showy.
  • Peace lilies and ZZ plants, good indoor plants for for busy people.
  • Aglaonema, the communicative office plant.

What is a good low maintenance office plant?

8 Great Low-Light Office Plants That Are Low Maintenance

  • Spider Plant.
  • Snake Plant.
  • Cactus.
  • Bamboo Palm.
  • Gerbera Daisy.
  • Lemon Balm.
  • Aloe.
  • Pothos.

What plants do well with office lighting?

What are the best plants for offices with no windows?

  • Spathiphyllum (such as Peace Lilies)
  • Pothos.
  • Philodendrons.
  • Sansevieria.
  • Aglaonema.
  • ZZ Plant.

How many plants should you have in your office?

You can improve the air quality in your workspace with TLB’s fab range of air-purifying plants; adding four or more plants to your space can improve the air by up to 60%.

What is the best plant for an office with no windows?

Aglaonemas are one of the best indoor plants for windowless rooms. They love low light and do well in home office lighting. Commonly known as Chinese Evergreen, these beginner-friendly plants come in many colours and are capable to brighten up any corner of your home office.

Which plant can grow without sunlight?

The pothos, also known as Devil’s Ivy, is very tough and among the best indoor plants for dark rooms. One of the plants that don’t need sun to grow, the pothos can also purify the air of carbon monoxide.

What plants do well in a cubicle?

Try spicing up your cubicle space with one of these eight work-friendly plants.

  • Ferns. Ferns are one of nature’s most resilient plants and can actually be traced back to prehistoric times.
  • Aloe Vera.
  • English Ivy.
  • Philodendrons.
  • Peace Lily.
  • Snake Plant.
  • Red-Edged Dracaena.
  • Bamboo.

Should I have a plant on my desk?

Having plants in the office has been shown to improve air quality, increase attention span, improve creativity, lower stress and stabilise mood. Having plants can reduce cold and cough, and so, indirectly it also decreases absenteeism.” Most people spend a large part of their lifespan in offices.

Why are plants good for your desk?

Office plants can increase the humidity around a desk, purify the air,1 and add to your workspace decor.

Which is the lucky plant?

Peace Lily is considered to be one of the lucky indoor plants that bring good fortune and harmony into a home. It’s also a perfect go-to gift plant for your family and friends.