How do I become a watch repair person?

Most companies require that entry-level watch repairers possess an associate degree or bachelor’s degree in watchmaking. Some watchmakers opt to enter the field as apprentices by completing a two-year program that teaches them technical skills and how to work with larger organizations.

Can you make money repairing watches?

How much profit can a watch repair business make? A watch repairer can make between $24,000 and $36,000 per year, depending on their expertise. If they operate a shop, they can make a six-figure salary.

Is watchmaking a good career?

Intense Demand Means Career in Watchmaking Can Yield a Hefty Payoff. It’s graduation season, and while many grads know what they want to do for a living, others are still considering their options. One career path rarely thought of — and intensely in demand — is watchmaking.

Can you be a self taught watchmaker?

Independent watchmakers stand in contrast to the big companies that make up a majority of the market. They more or less make the watches themselves, injecting their own personalities into designs. Most spend months working on just one piece, a culmination of skill, passion, and patience.

How do I get started in watchmaking?


  1. Apprenticeship. 1 on 1 training is the best form of learning in any endeavor.
  2. Watchmaking School. Group setting with fellow aspiring watchmakers will usually help you in the grand scheme of things.

What is a watch fixer called?

Definition of horologist 1 : a person skilled in the practice or theory of horology. 2 : a maker of clocks or watches.

How do I start a clock repair business?

Start a clock repair business by following these 10 steps:

  1. Plan your Clock Repair Business.
  2. Form your Clock Repair Business into a Legal Entity.
  3. Register your Clock Repair Business for Taxes.
  4. Open a Business Bank Account & Credit Card.
  5. Set up Accounting for your Clock Repair Business.

Is there a demand for watchmakers?

Watchmaking is an in-demand and interesting career that you can achieve through apprenticeship and training. Learning more about watchmakers and how much they make can help you determine if this career path is right for you.

How long does it take to become a watchmaker?

about 2-4 years
Watchmaking school can vary in terms of time. Average time is about 2-4 years. Watchmaking school will teach you about 60% of the fundamental stuff you’ll need as a watchmaker. You’ll need another 5-10 years of on the job training for 35% of the stuff watchmaking school doesn’t teach you.

Is it hard to learn watchmaking?

Watchmaking is not a well traveled path and for many it may seem extremely daunting. I have received many questions from watchmaking students in regards to what to expect and how to manage expectations. If you’re an aspiring watchmaker, watchmaking apprentice, or watchmaking student, you will want to read this.

How do I become a watchmaking hobby?