Is the sea warm in Torremolinos?
Is the sea warm in Torremolinos?
Summer is the only time of year when the sea is warm enough for swimming in Torremolinos. During this season, the average sea temperature for the resort is 20°C-24°C. The sea is hottest in August, when it’s a balmy 24°C, so beach time is a definite must. Find yourself a good spot on Valdevaquero Beach.
Is Torremolinos nice?
The seaside resort of Torremolinos is one of the best-known resorts in southern Spain, and although it hasn’t always had the best image, thankfully in the last few years it has outgrown its tacky image and evolved into a mature and exciting resort. attractive resort of Benalmadena. mountains that backdrop the town.
What is Torremolinos known for?
In addition to its tourism sector, Torremolinos is known locally for its vibrant and liberal nightlife, particularly its numerous bars and clubs catering to the LGBT community. Torremolinos co-hosted World Pride in 2017 in conjunction with Madrid and holds its own Pride in June, now the third largest in Spain.
Is the sea warm in Benalmadena?
In general, the swimming season ends in October. Average annual water temperature on the coast in Benalmadena is 64°F, by the seasons: in winter 60°F, in spring 61°F, in summer 69°F, in autumn 68°F. Minimum water temperature (58°F) in Benalmadena it happens in February, maximum (76°F) in August.
How hot is Torremolinos in October?
October Weather in Torremolinos Spain. Daily high temperatures decrease by 7°F, from 77°F to 70°F, rarely falling below 65°F or exceeding 83°F. Daily low temperatures decrease by 6°F, from 63°F to 57°F, rarely falling below 51°F or exceeding 69°F.
How hot is Torremolinos in December?
December Weather in Torremolinos Spain. Daily high temperatures decrease by 2°F, from 64°F to 62°F, rarely falling below 57°F or exceeding 69°F. Daily low temperatures decrease by 3°F, from 50°F to 48°F, rarely falling below 41°F or exceeding 57°F.
Is Torremolinos good for nightlife?
Torremolinos has long enjoyed a reputation as one of the liveliest resort towns on the Costa del Sol. Torremolinos has always been popular for its glamourous nightlife and bohemian care-free attitude and this reputation was gained during the 1960s and ’70s.