What are the consequences of ozone depletion Class 10?

Once the ozone layer is depleted, ultraviolet rays will pass through the troposphere and eventually to earth. These rays cause ageing of the skin, skin cancer, cataract and sunburn to humans as well as animals. Phytoplankton dies in the presence of ultraviolet rays which results in a decrease in fish productivity.

What are the causes and consequences of ozone depletion?

Ozone depletion is primarily caused by human activities. The main effect of ozone depletion is an increase in UV-B rays reaching the earth’s surface. Causes : chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs), halons, and other compounds deplete the ozone layer.

What are the consequences of ozone layer depletion on climate?

Changes in ozone and climate are directly linked because ozone absorbs solar radiation and is also a greenhouse gas. Stratospheric ozone depletion leads to surface cooling, while the observed increases in tropospheric ozone and other greenhouse gases lead to surface warming.

What are the consequences of ozone layer depletion Class 9?

Humans will be directly exposed to the harmful ultraviolet radiation of the sun due to the depletion of the ozone layer. This might result in serious health issues among humans, such as skin diseases, cancer, sunburns, cataract, quick ageing and weak immune system.

What is ozone list any three consequences of ozone layer depletion?

Effects Of Ozone Layer Depletion Studies demonstrate that an increase in UV-B rays causes a higher risk of skin cancer, plays a major role in malignant melanoma development, sunburns, quick ageing, eye cataracts, blindness and weekend immune system.

What are the four effects of ozone depletion?

What are causes of ozone depletion?

The main causes of ozone depletion and the ozone hole are manufactured chemicals, especially manufactured halocarbon refrigerants, solvents, propellants, and foam-blowing agents (chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), HCFCs, halons), referred to as ozone-depleting substances (ODS).

Which of the following is not the consequence of ozone layer depletion?

Which of the following is not the consequence of ozone layer depletion? C. Cyanobacteria are sensitive to UV radiation and would be affected by its increase.

What is ozone depletion caused by?

Ozone depletion occurs when chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons—gases formerly found in aerosol spray cans and refrigerants—are released into the atmosphere (see details below).