Can a massage therapist write a letter of medical necessity?

Massage therapy, if used to treat a medical condition, may be eligible with a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) from a physician.

What makes massage medically necessary?

Medically necessary massage is massage or bodywork that is targeted at a specific soft tissue problem that you feel is negatively impacting your life or health. This could be pain or mobility issues, stress management or injury recovery.

Is massage therapy considered medical treatment?

Massage is generally considered part of integrative medicine. Medical centers are offering it more and more as a treatment along with standard treatment. It may be used for a wide range of medical conditions.

Is massage a luxury or necessity?

It’s easy to see why massage is thought of as a luxury; it’s so relaxing! Research has found many therapeutic benefits of massage that make it highly beneficial for most people. While massage is a wonderful way to relax, it has found its place in modern medicine and is used to help treat a variety of ailments.

How do I prove medical necessity?

Proving Medical Necessity

  1. Standard Medical Practices.
  2. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  3. The Physician’s Recommendation.
  4. The Physician’s Preferences.
  5. The Insurance Policy.
  6. Health-Related Claim Denials.

How easy is it to get a letter of medical necessity?

A patient can write the letter, but it needs to be made official by a doctor. Any arguments for any service ultimately have to come from a treating physician. That means the doctor needs to know you, have some history with you, and in the end either write or ‘sign off on’ the letter.

What is the difference between a massage and a medical massage?

While a spa massage may successfully relax you or temporarily relieve some stress, medical massage will produce tangible results. Medical massage therapy treatment is planned out with a specific goal in mind, and your massage will factor into a larger treatment plan that is based around your health needs and goals.

Can I use my HSA for massage Envy?

We don’t accept insurance but we are able to accept HSA/FSA debit cards as payment for your services. If it’s your first time at Massage Envy we have our introductory rate of $60 for a 60 minute session or $90 for a 90 minute session!

What is the difference between therapeutic massage and medical massage?

What conditions can massage therapy treat?

Massage therapy can prove beneficial to many conditions, including but not limited to the following:

  • Anxiety and Depression.
  • Arthritis.
  • Asthma and Emphysema.
  • Cancer.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
  • Dislocations.
  • Edema.

Is relaxation a necessity or a luxury?

Don’t forget, relaxation is NOT a luxury, it is a necessity: without it, you will burn out, be susceptible to illness or stress related health issues and generally not function at your very best. High blood pressure, heart attacks and other heart problems can be instigated and exacerbated by stress.