What does the social dominance orientation measure?

Social dominance orientation (SDO) is a personality trait measuring an individual’s support for social hierarchy and the extent to which they desire their in-group be superior to out-groups.

What is the meaning of social dominance?

Social dominance refers to situations in which an “individual or a group controls or dictates others’ behavior, primarily in competitive situations” [1,2].

What causes social dominance orientation?

Antecedents of Social Dominance Orientation A possible reason for such patterns of SDO endorsement is that groups at the top of the hierarchy would like to maintain their dominant position, whereas groups at the bottom of the hierarchy would like to change their subordinate position.

What is an example of social dominance?

According to social dominance theory, these hierarchies influence how equitable the allocation of resources is and how the distribution of undesirable work and/or roles are assigned. For example, in modern western society, the white male hierarchy is more dominant than minority racial groups.

What is social dominance orientation quizlet?

Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) Measures individual differences in preference for hierarchy within any social system & domination over lower-status groups; belief that society should be hierarchically structured by power & status.

What is the difference between social dominance orientation and right wing authoritarianism?

The definition of SDO suggests that high-SDO people support intergroup hierarchies and tend to arrange social groups in a superior-inferior order. According to Altemeyer (1998), SDO refers primarily to authoritarian dominance whereas RWA primarily refers to authoritarian submission.

What is the difference between social dominance orientation quizlet?

Right-Wing Authoritarianism focuses on submission to ingroup authority and relations within groups, while Social Dominance Orientation focuses on dominance over outgroups and relations between groups.

What is the difference between social dominance orientation and right-wing authoritarianism?

What is the difference between social dominance orientation and right wing authoritarianism quizlet?

What is the difference between Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) and Right-Wing Authoritarianism? SDO concentrates on economic conflicts while Right-wing Authoritarianism concentrates on value conflicts.

What is the difference between social dominance orientation and right-wing?