How big is Canis Majoris compared to the Sun?
How big is Canis Majoris compared to the Sun?
about 1,420 times
The size of VY Canis Majoris is truly immense, about 1,420 times larger (and 300,000 times brighter) than our sun.
How does the Sun’s core differ from its radiative zone?
The core is at the center. It the hottest region, where the nuclear fusion reactions that power the Sun occur. Moving outward, next comes the radiative (or radiation) zone. Its name is derived from the way energy is carried outward through this layer, carried by photons as thermal radiation.
How big is UY Scuti compared to the Sun?
around 1,700 times
The largest known star in the universe, UY Scuti is a variable hypergiant with a radius around 1,700 times larger than the radius of the sun. To put that in perspective, the volume of almost 5 billion suns could fit inside a sphere the size of UY Scuti.
Is Canis Majoris the largest star?
Of all known stars, the VY Canis Majoris is the largest. This red Hypergiant star, found in the constellation Canis Major, is estimated to have a radius at least 1,800 that of the Sun’s.
What is convective zone of the Sun?
The convection zone is the outer-most layer of the solar interior. It extends from a depth of about 200,000 km right up to the visible surface. At the base of the convection zone the temperature is about 2,000,000° C.
What is the radiative zone of the Sun like?
The radiative zone is a thick layer of highly ionized, very dense gases which are under constant bombardment by the gamma rays from the core. It is about 75% hydrogen and 24% helium. Because most of the atoms here lack electrons, they can’t absorb photons for convection to the surface. Most photons just bounce around.
What happens if UY Scuti dies?
When it does die, it’s expected to explode with the force of more than 100 supernovas. A supernova is the explosion of a star, and it’s the largest explosion that takes place in space. So the force of 100 stars exploding would obliterate everything nearby.