How much does Baltic birch cost?

4 x 8 Baltic Birch Plywood at Menards

Everyday Low Price $179.99
11% Mail-In Rebate Good Through 6/5/22 $19.80

Is Baltic birch worth the price?

Aesthetically, it has a uniform face – depending on the grade. These are among the qualities that piqued the interest of cabinet and furniture makers. Even though Baltic Birch costs a little bit higher than regular ones, the advantages and benefits it provides are worth so much more.

How much is a 5×5 sheet of Baltic birch plywood?

$115.50 /Pcs.

How much does a sheet of birch plywood cost?

Cabinet Grade Plywood

Birch (Natural) Plywood
Thickness Size Price
1/4″ 4′ x 8′ 65.02
1/2″ 4′ x 8′ 115.00
3/4″ 4′ x 8′ 155.75

What is the difference between birch and Baltic birch?

Standard birch is great for painting, which can give your piece a unique look and color. Baltic birch has a consistent grain pattern that tends to become blotchy when stained. If you want to change the appearance of the wood, use a gel stain or dye. Luckily, Baltic birch has an appealing natural finish.

Is Russian birch the same as Baltic birch?

Russian Birch, also known as Baltic Birch, is the wood of choice for many carpenters, furniture makers, and manufacturers, and it’s easy to see why. This wood is made up of hard layers that give it a void-free core. Unlike many other types of wood, this core makes it easy for screws to sink in and hold their thread.

What is the difference between Baltic birch and birch?

There are major differences between Baltic birch and birch. Baltic birch has about twice as many plys, does not use any filler wood, and has thicker outer layers. Typical birch plywood will have 5 to 7 plys for a 3/4-inch thick board, whereas Baltic birch will have about twice that amount.

Does Baltic birch plywood come in 4×8 sheets?

Baltic Birch Marine Grade Plywood Full Sheets 48″x96″ (4′ x 8′)

Is Baltic birch stronger than birch?

Plus it provides for a very unique & clean look. Baltic Birch is also significantly stronger. Since there are no voids, there is a consistent layer of glue and every square inch of material from top to bottom is fully bonded. It also has more dimensional stability.

Is Baltic birch a hardwood?

Baltic birch is 100% hardwood. It is entirely made by using birch plies which are also known as hardwood and don’t use any softwood or filler plies in the middle.

Does all Baltic birch come from Russia?

Sources: The Baltic birch tree originates in the Baltic States – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Baltic birch plywood is primarily produced in Finland and Russia.

Why is Baltic birch so popular?

Baltic birch is famous for its easy machinability and screw holding strength that’s superior to other plywood options. Its strength, uniform plies and thicker face and backing veneer also make Baltic birch the plywood of choice for pieces where you want to create dovetail or finger joints.