What does the term outlet mean?

Definition of outlet 1a : a place or opening through which something is let out : exit, vent. b : a means of release or satisfaction for an emotion or impulse sexual outlets. c : a medium of expression or publication.

What is the example of outlet?

An example of an outlet is a stream flowing out from a lake. An example of an outlet is a Coach store. A passage for escape or exit; a vent. A store that sells the goods of a particular manufacturer or wholesaler.

What is an emotional outlet?

Any venue used to relieve psychologic stress–eg, strenuous exercise, vigorous sexual activity, video games, etc.

How do you use the word outlet?

They go to suppliers and offer them a steady outlet for their produce.

  1. Is football a good outlet for men’s aggression?
  2. Sport provided an outlet for his energy.
  3. The outlet of a water pipe was blocked.
  4. Sport became the perfect outlet for his aggression.
  5. Her work provided no outlet for her energies and talents.

What does social outlet mean?

2 denoting or relating to human society or any of its subdivisions. 3 of, relating to, or characteristic of the experience, behaviour, and interaction of persons forming groups. 4 relating to or having the purpose of promoting companionship, communal activities, etc.

What is an outlet in marketing?

Those outlets are called Channels of Distribution. Several factors are associated with selecting the best channels of distribution for your product or service. These include: Examining how your competitors’ products are sold.

What is an outlet in life?

In essence, it is a way to connect or disconnect. When I refer to an outlet, I am referring to something that is healthy and helpful socially, medically, and psychologically.

What is a positive outlet?

Positive Outlet: The term positive outlet refers a point of stormwater discharge into surface waters which under normal conditions would drain by gravity or other means to the Blackwater River, Yellow River, Shoal River, Choctawhatchee Bay, Santa Rosa Sound, East Bay or Gulf of Mexico.

What is an outlet in hospitality?

Within the hospitality industry there are many outlets that provide food, drink or accommodation . Each of them will have a number of departments that must work together to ensure the business runs efficiently. The size of the outlet will determine how many departments it has.

Why is it called an outlet?

A socket is something into which something is plugged or fitted (also called a receptacle). An outlet is something that something comes out of. A light socket is called a light socket because a light bulb is inserted into it. A power outlet is called an outlet because power comes out of it.

What’s the difference between outlets and stores?

Outlet vs Store An outlet is a shop that sells products from a particular manufacturer, often at discounted prices. The store is a building where goods or services are sold. The outlet is typically attached to a factory. Stores are not attached to a factory.

What does it mean to be an outlet to someone?

If someone has an outlet for their feelings or ideas, they have a means of expressing and releasing them. Her father had found an outlet for his ambition in his work. Synonyms: channel, release, medium, avenue More Synonyms of outlet. 3. countable noun.

What is considered to be an outlet?

– Receptacles over countertops in kitchens – Receptacles powering dishwashers – Receptacles in bathrooms – Receptacles in laundry areas – Receptacles in unfinished basements – Receptacles in garages and other accessible outdoor locations – Receptacles near swimming pools, spas, and other water features

What outlet should I buy?

Starting price

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  • Audio
  • What type of outlet do you need?

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  • What is a ‘ outlet ‘ ‘?

    a. A passage for escape or exit; a vent. b. A means of release or gratification, as for energies, drives, or desires: exercised as an outlet for frustration. 2. a. A stream that flows out of a lake or pond. b. The point where a stream flows out of a lake or pond.