What is the name of a fast sailing ship?

The most likely answer for the clue is CARAVEL. We found more than 2 answers for Fast Sailing Ship.

What is metal lattice work called?

METAL lattice work Crossword Clue

Answer Letters
METAL lattice work with 5 Letters

What is the word for grain husks?

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for GRAIN HUSKS [chaff]

Where are bees kept crossword clue?

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for PLACE WHERE BEES ARE KEPT [apiary]

What is a narrow sea channel called?

Definition of strait a narrow channel of the sea joining two larger bodies of water. narrow; “strait is the gate”

What was the fastest ship in the 1700s?

Apart from this, Endymion was known as the fastest sailing-ship in the Royal Navy during the Age of Sail, logging 14.4 knots (26.7 km/h) sailing large, and nearly 11.0 knots (20.4 km/h) close-hauled….HMS Endymion (1797)

Great Britain
Class and type Endymion-class frigate
Tons burthen 1,277 bm
Length 159 ft 3 in (48.5 m)

What is crystal lattice in chemistry?

Definition of crystal lattice : the arrangement of atoms, molecules, or ions of a crystal in the form of a space lattice.

What is a hot dusty wind called?

sirocco is a hot wind, often dusty or rainy, blowing South, from North Africa across the Mediterranean to southern Europe.

What is a four letter word for a petty quarrel?

Petty quarrel Crossword Clue

Answer Letters
Petty quarrel with 4 Letters

What is place where bees are kept?

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity. noun, plural a·pi·ar·ies. a place in which a colony or colonies of bees are kept, as a stand or shed for beehives or a bee house containing a number of beehives.

Where is money coined?

Mint is the place where money is coined.