Do all whales have the same diet?

A whale’s diet depends on its suborder. But not all whales within each group eat exactly the same thing. Each species has a favourite food. And no matter where they are or what they eat, whales are almost always on the hunt for a tasty meal.

What is the blue whales diet?

They feed almost exclusively on krill, straining huge volumes of ocean water through their baleen plates (which hang from the roof of the mouth and work like a sieve). Some of the biggest individuals may eat up to 6 tons of krill a day. Blue whales are found in all oceans except the Arctic Ocean.

Do all whales eat fish?

Toothed Whales feed largely feed on fish and squid, but a few, like certain eco-types of killer whales, feed on marine mammals.

Do all whales eat plankton?

Whale diets They feed on small plankton and krill which drift with the nutrient rich waters where the whales live. Not all whales feed on plankton however. Sperm whales, for instance, feed on animals like giant squid in the deep waters of the ocean.

Is whale a carnivore or omnivore?

The planet’s largest animal is a carnivore. The blue whale can reach 30 meters (100 feet) long and weigh as much as 180 metric tons (200 tons). It feeds by taking huge gulps of water and then filtering out tiny shrimp-like creatures called krill.

Are blue whales carnivores?

CarnivorousBlue whale / Trophic level

Blue Whale Diet and Prey The Blue Whale is a carnivorous animal that despite the fact that it doesn’t have proper teeth, survives on a diet that is mainly comprised of krill and small crustaceans, along with the occasional small fish.

What do GREY whales eat?

Gray whales eat primarily amphipod crustaceans, and concentrations of 12,000 to 20,000 amphipods per square yard have been found in the southern Chukchi Sea and northern Bering Sea where the whales feed.

What whales eat krill?

Blue whales eat krill – tiny, shrimp-like crustaceans that live throughout Earth’s oceans. The huge whales can eat up to four tonnes of krill every day. Blue whales lunge through large swarms of krill with their mouths open, taking in more food in one mouthful than any other animal on Earth.

Do whales eat penguins?

Killer whales have also been reported to eat many other types of animals including leatherback sea turtles, dugongs, moose, and penguins and other seabirds. Antarctic small type B killer whales have been observed hunting penguins like these Adélies.

Do whales eat sharks?

Yes, & it’s Pretty Amazing. Dr. Simon J Pierce is a co-founder of the Marine Megafauna Foundation, where he leads the global whale shark research program, and an award-winning marine wildlife photographer.

What whales only eat krill?

Blue whales eat mostly krill. Fin whales eat krill, copepods, squids, and variety of small schooling fishes. Humpback whales, Bryde’s whales, and minke whales prey mostly on krill and small schooling fishes.

Are all whales herbivores?

No, whales are not herbivores, they are carnivores. Although whales do not eat the same meats as land animals they are known to consume fish, squid, octopus and other types of foods that are considered carnivorous foods.