What is the meaning of idiom a cash cow?

Definition of cash cow 1 : a consistently profitable business, property, or product whose profits are used to finance a company’s investments in other areas. 2 : one regarded or exploited as a reliable source of money a singer deemed a cash cow for the record label.

What is a cash cow person?

cash cownoun. Someone or something which is a dependable source of appreciable amounts of money; a moneymaker. Etymology: An allusion to the dairy cow, which once acquired may be milked on an ongoing basis.

What is another word for cash cow?

In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for cash-cow, like: moneymaker, grubstaker, meal-ticket, golden-goose, patron, angel, backer, staker and money-spinner.

What does the idiom cash in mean?

Definition of cash in on : to take advantage of (something) in order to make money The magazine is planning to cash in on the hype surrounding the celebrity’s wedding by publishing exclusive photos of the ceremony. Carpenters cashed in on the construction boom.

Where does the expression cash cow come from?

What is the origin of the term ‘cash cow’? Management guru Peter F Drucker coined the term in the mid-1960s to describe a business or product line with a large market share in a stagnant or declining market. It can yield profits reliably for some years without further investment and little maintenance.

What’s the opposite of a cash cow?

What is the opposite of cash cow?

drain on resources financial drain
financial liability money down the drain
money down the toilet

What is another word for money maker?

Moneymakers Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for moneymakers?

magnates moneybags
multibillionaires fat cats
plutocrats capitalists
money-spinners Croesuses

What does the idiom good as gold mean?

very well behaved
Today’s Phrase If someone is as good as gold, they are very well behaved. This phrase is most often used when describing children’s behaviour. For example: You’ll have to be as good as gold during the wedding – don’t go running off in the church!

What means cash out?

Definition of cash out transitive verb. : to convert (noncash assets) to cash cash out stocks. intransitive verb. : to convert noncash assets to cash.

Where did the phrase cash cow come from?

When did cash cow start?

Cash cow originated around the year 1970 and has overtaken milch cow in popularity. Both expressions come from literal cows. If a female cow has given birth at least once, farmers can continue to milk that cow. They can sell that milk with little labor and maintenance for a steady income.