How do you unlock whitebeard in Pirate Warriors 2?

You will need to beat the crew chapters of Luffy, Marco, Kuzan, Hancock, Ace, Kuma, Mihawk, Crocodile, Buggy, Garp, Magellan, Jozu, and Vista. You will now be able to get into Whitebeard’s crew chapter and after you done his you will have an alternative ending on Chapter 4-2.

How do you unlock the final chapter in One Piece Pirate Warriors 2?

To unlock the true ending, you first need to clear the crew episodes for Luffy, Marco, Kuzan, Hancock, Ace, Kuma, Mihawk, Crocodile, Buggy, Garp, Magellan, Jozu, and Vista. Luffy becomes available after clearing all other SHs. Those become available after clearing Namis crew episode.

How do you unlock Shanks in Pirate Warriors?

Shanks: You must clear the Grand Line: “The Legendary Pair” in the Treasure Log. Teech: You must clear the Grand Line: “A Fight for the Throne” in the Treasure Log. Bartolomeo: He’s playable from the start.

Is Garp a playable character in Pirate Warriors 4?

Enel, Gecko Moria, Perona, Magellan, Bartholomew Kuma and Caesar Clown who were playable in the previous games have been cut from this game. Monkey D. Garp, who was playable in Pirate Warriors 2 and 3, is now just an enemy character.

What arcs are in One Piece Pirate Warriors 2?

Straw Hat Crew Arc

  • Stage 1: Skypiea Arc.
  • Stage 2: Punk Hazard Arc.
  • Stage 3: Wapol-Krieg Pirate Alliance Arc.
  • Stage 4: “The Legendary Marine” Garp Arc.
  • Stage 5: Thriller Bark Arc.
  • Stage 6: Whitebeard Arc.
  • Stage 7: Return to Punk Hazard Arc.
  • Stage 8: Arlong-Crocodile Pirate Alliance Arc.

How do you unlock a smoker?

Smoker was feared by some of the town’s civilian population, but he cared deeply for them. He can be unlocked in the fourth game’s Treasure Log mode.

Who is the tallest person in one piece?

The 10 Tallest One Piece Characters, Ranked

  1. 1 Sanjuan Wolf Towers At 180 Meters.
  2. 2 Wadatsumi Is At Least 80 Meters.
  3. 3 Oars Stands At 67 Meters Even After Death.
  4. 4 Neptune Is 12.2 Meters Long.
  5. 5 Charlotte Linlin/Big Mom Stands At 8.8 Meters.
  6. 6 Black Maria Stands At 8.2 Meters.
  7. 7 Kaidou Stands At 7.1 Meters.

Will One Piece end?

In August 2019, Oda said that, according to his predictions, the manga will end between 2024 and 2025.