What is DP time?

The NI DP sea time days allow for many different DP vessel types and operations. The Standard specifies the minimum number of hours that must be completed to count as a DP day. If the ship and trainee DPO is engaged in DP operations for a minimum of 2 hours in the day then a day may be claimed.

What is DP certificate?

What is a Dynamic Positioning Operator Doing? DP operators are certified to operate vessels which use a dynamic position system, which keeps the position of a vessel at a point against currents and waves. Close to rigs this is crucial as the biggest danger is a vessel drifting into/ramming an oil or gas rig.

How do you calculate DP hours?

For DP vessels engaged in continuous DP operations of more than 24 hours’ duration, hours ‘on duty’ when the vessel is on DP should be recorded as ‘DP hours’. ‘DP days’ are calculated by dividing the number of ‘DP hours’ by the length of the duty period.

What is DPO offshore?

The Dynamic Positioning Operator (DPO) is the Vessel nominated Navigational Officer. The DPO acts as a navigational Watch Keeper when required. The DPO assists the Chief Officer in the safe and efficient management of the Marine Deck Department.

How do I get a DP certificate?

Applying online for a DP Certificate – New Offshore Scheme

  1. Copy of passport personal details page.
  2. Copy of STCW certificate held.
  3. Original NI logbook.
  4. Original confirmation letters for all DP sea time.
  5. Additional documents where necessary.

What is DP Basic?

Course covers the Principles of DP, Elements of the DP system, Practical operation of the DP system, Position reference systems, Environment sensors and ancillary equipment, Power generation, supply and propulsion, DP operations.

What is DP logbook?

This logbook enables the user to a keep a full record of information pertaining to their training, previous experience, DP watchkeeping, qualification/certificates and competence to ensure continued safe DP operations by competent personnel of all disciplines.

What is a DPO offshore?

What is the work of DP vessel?

The working of a Dynamic Positioning Ship is quite simple. There is a control panel which notes the wind and the wave fluctuation and accordingly sends appropriate signals to the propellers so as to enable the ship to steady and maintain its course.