What is the best weapon in Battlefront 2?

Star Wars Battlefront 2: The 15 Best Weapons In The Game, Ranked

  1. 1 A280 Assault. The A280 is the most versatile blaster in the game.
  2. 2 TL-50 Heavy.
  3. 3 NT-242 Specialist.
  4. 4 SE-44c Officer.
  5. 5 CR-2 Assault.
  6. 6 A280-CFE Specialist.
  7. 7 T-21 Heavy.
  8. 8 S-5 Officer.

Who is the best hero in battlefront?

Anakin Skywalker Is Star Wars Battlefront 2’s Most Powerful Hero. As a part of the game’s shift to the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker joined Battlefront 2 via the Chosen One update. True to his moniker, Anakin is one of the strongest heroes in the game, even after DICE gave him several nerfs.

How do you get new guns in Star Wars Battlefront?

To start unlocking new weapons in the game, you need to go for any of your preferred class of weapon and start completing matches. This is because every new weapon in the game can only be unlocked when you complete the Battlefront 2 milestones that are connected to a certain number of kills within that given class.

What is the best blaster in Star Wars?

These are the 15 Best Blasters In The Galaxy.

  • 8 8. CA 87 (Jawas)
  • 7 7. Bowcaster (Chewbacca/Wookiees)
  • 6 6. DH 17 (Rebels)
  • 5 5. NN-14 (Rey)
  • 4 4. DLT-19 (Stormtroopers/Dengar)
  • 3 3. E-11 (Empire/Stormtroopers/Leia)
  • 2 EE-3 (Boba Fett)
  • 1 DL-44 (Han Solo)

What is the best gun for Iden versio?

Wielded by Iden Versio herself, the TL-50 is an incredible weapon for all situations, other than long-range (but no heavy weapons are accurate at long range). At first, you need to deal with the primary left-click damage to get kills but after obtaining 100, you unlock the secondary fire.

What is the best Specialist gun in Battlefront 2?

A280-CFE – Battlefront 2 Specialist Weapon Rounding out the class weapons with the Specialist sniping class, the A280-CFE is undoubtedly the best sniper rifle to use in virtually any situation, when taking into account its rate of fire, range, and cooling power statistics.

How do I unlock my TL 50?

In order to unlock this heavy blaster, players must get 20 kills as an Imperial soldier, get 75 heavy blaster kills, and win one game of Battle Station. This heavy blaster has the fastest rate of fire, with a maximum of 700 RPM.

How do I get NT-242?

The NT-242 is a sniper rifle available for the Specialist class in DICE’s Star Wars Battlefront II. It is unlocked after getting 400 online kills with the Specialist class.