How successful is a high tibial osteotomy?

It should be stressed that this surgery is designed to allow patients to walk without discomfort, not to return them to sporting activities. If adequate correction is achieved, the success rate of high tibial osteotomy at this practice is 91% at the 5 years and 80% at 10 years.

How long does it take to recover from a high tibial osteotomy?

Recovery after a tibial osteotomy takes two to three months. During your recovery period, you should use your walker or crutches as instructed. If you had a closing wedge osteotomy, you probably won’t have to limit how much weight you place on your foot.

Can you run after high tibial osteotomy?

Can you run after a high tibial osteotomy? Yes. An HTO is offered with the understanding that you will be allowed to return to your prior activities. As with recovery from any injury or surgery, you will start off slowly and build back to your normal cadence, speed, and distance over time.

Is high tibial osteotomy major surgery?

High tibial osteotomy (HTO) is a major surgical procedure that improves the condition of the knee joint.

When can I walk after a high tibial osteotomy?

It may take 3 to 6 months for osteotomy patients to walk normally and regain full range of motion. It may be 12 months or more before patients can participate in high impact activities, such as jogging.

How long does a high tibial osteotomy last?

High Tibial Osteotomy as an Alternative to Knee Replacement Because these benefits typically fade after 8 to 10 years, this type of osteotomy is generally considered to be a way to prolong the time before a knee replacement is necessary.

How do you sleep after high tibial osteotomy?

1. Keep your leg elevated to decrease swelling, which will then in turn decrease your pain. You can elevate the foot of your bed by putting a couple of pillows between your mattress and box spring. I would not keep a pillow directly under your ankle as this hyperextends your knee.

Can you play sports after osteotomy?

Conclusion. HTO allows patients to resume their sports activities within 1 year of surgery and significantly improves their quality of life.

How long does it take to recover from osteotomy surgery?

Hip or Knee Osteotomy Recovery. You will be walking within a couple days of surgery, but on one to two crutches for three months, and it usually takes 9–12 months to feel fully recovered. The hospital stay for an osteotomy is usually two to three days after surgery.

Is high tibial osteotomy safe?

Medial opening wedge HTO has been reported to have survival rates between 82%9 and 94%14 at 10 years. Numerous studies have shown that the long-term outcomes are related to the accuracy of the surgical correction achieved relative to the planned correction12,15.