What grass seed do professionals use?

We strongly believe that Lesco is the best brand of seed. Professionals use this grass because of its high quality, weed-free results, and because Lesco has the the highest germination percentage rates in the industry. The best type of grass for you will depend on your climate.

What is the best grass seed to grow grass fast?

Some of the fastest-growing grass types include Perennial Ryegrass, Annual Ryegrass, Fine-leaf Fescues, Kentucky Bluegrass, and Bentgrasses.

What is the best grass seed to put down?

Best Overall: Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed Sun & Shade Mix

  • Thrives in sun and shade.
  • Holds up in droughts and cold winters.
  • Resists disease.

What’s the best grass seed for hard to grow areas?

Perennial ryegrass Perennial ryegrass is so durable that it is a popular grass type for golf courses in northern climates. This is another grass with tough blades and a strong root system. In addition to being able to withstand heavy foot traffic, perennial ryegrass is also fast-growing and drought-resistant.

Can you spread too much grass seed?

Don’t overdo or cut corners. Too much grass seed causes undue competition for resources such as light, water and nutrients, and grass seedlings struggle as a result.

Can you water grass seed too much?

Watering too much can shift the soil, especially once it becomes saturated. As the water evaporates or is absorbed by the ground, the redistributed soil will settle elsewhere. This can bury grass seeds and newly sprouted grass, cutting them off from sunlight and slowing or stopping their growth.

What is the hardiest grass seed?

Perennial ryegrass thrives all over California and is also widely used all over the U.S. It germinates and establishes quickly with lush, long-lasting color, even in full or partial sun.

Can you over seed a lawn?

Overseeding can help you get back to the thick, lush, green lawn you’ve always wanted. By spreading grass seed over your existing lawn, you can thicken up the thin areas, and your lawn will start to look terrific again. (This is different from reseeding, which is when you start over and plant a completely new lawn.)

What is the toughest lawn grass?

Red Fescue The “toughest” grasses (considering only that characteristic) are the sports-turf grasses like common Bermuda, hybrid Bermuda or zoysia. These grasses have a trailing growth habit and handle heavy foot traffic better than cool-season grasses (like fescues).