Which post is best in Merchant Navy?

The Captain (or Master) of the ship is the final authority of the ship and is the highest rank that one can achieve onboard.

What are the ranks on a merchant ship?

Deck officers are licensed mariners who are responsible for the navigation and safe passage of the ship.

  • Chief mate.
  • Second mate.
  • Third mate.
  • Deck cadet.
  • Boatswain.
  • Able bodied seaman.
  • Ordinary seaman.
  • Chief engineer.

How can I rank up in Merchant Navy?

On completion of marine engineering degree, you will join a ship as a Trainee/Fifth engineer and then move ahead in the ranking system as = the fourth engineer -> third engineer -> second engineer -> chief engineer. To join the deck department, you will have to take up a course in BSc.

Are the Merchant Navy armed?

A non-military service, the Merchant Navy is a part of a global economy that impacts our daily lives from the food we eat to the things we own and use every day.

Is Tattoo allowed in merchant navy?

Of course you can. Merchant navy has no restrictions on tattoos and piercings. In fact sailors are the pioneers of nautical tattoo culture.

What is 2nd mate in merchant navy?

The second mate is the third in command (or on some ocean liners fourth) and a watchkeeping officer, customarily the ship’s navigator. Other duties vary, but the second mate is often the medical officer and in charge of maintaining distress signaling equipment.

What is 2nd mate in Merchant Navy?

Can I call myself Captain?

You can call yourself ‘Captain’ if you are: A serving officer in the Army, Airforce, or Marines with a rank one below Major. A serving, or retired, officer in the Navy with a rank one below Admiral.

Can a rating become an officer?

Become an officer: At any point during your time as a rating, you can apply to become a Commissioned Officer.

Is alcohol allowed in merchant navy?

You cannot drink on the ships.

Does merchant navy get pension?

In Merchant navy, as of now there is no pension on any rank .

Can a smoker join merchant navy?

There is no such rule prescribed that smokers cannot join Merchant navy.