What is struma ovary?

Struma ovarii is a variant of dermoid tumors of the ovary in which thyroid tissue components is the major constituent. 1. Thyroid tissue is observed not uncommonly in 5-15% of dermoid tumors, but to qualify as a struma ovarii tumor the thyroid proportion must comprise more than 50% of the overall tissue.

Is struma ovarii a cancer?

Strumal carcinoid is defined by the presence of carcinoid tissue within a struma ovarii. The vast majority of strumae ovarii are benign, but malignant disease is found in a small percentage of cases, the most common being papillary thyroid carcinoma.

How is struma ovarii treated?

As described in previous reports, the key management of struma ovarii is surgical removal. (1-4) In the present study, 44 (64.7%) patients underwent fertility-conserving surgery (includes cystectomy and unilateral salpingo-oopherectomy), regardless of their stated desire or potential for fertility.

Do hurthle cells mean cancer?

Hurthle (HEERT-luh) cell cancer is a rare cancer that affects the thyroid gland. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the base of the neck. It secretes hormones that are essential for regulating the body’s metabolism. Hurthle cell cancer is also called Hurthle cell carcinoma or oxyphilic cell carcinoma.

What is a struma?

Struma (medicine), a swelling in the neck due to an enlarged thyroid gland.

Is struma ovarii a dermoid cyst?

Struma ovarii is a rare histological diagnosis, a variant of dermoid in which thyroid tissue constitute >50% of the component,[1] also called as monodermal ovarian teratoma where thyroid tissue predominates.

What causes struma ovarii?

Struma ovarii is an ovarian tumor defined by the presence of thyroid tissue comprising >50% of the overall mass. It most commonly occurs as part of a teratoma. Although struma ovarii usually does not secrete thyroid hormones, there are cases in which it produces thyroid hormones, which results in hyperthyroidism.

Is struma ovarii a teratoma?

Struma ovarii is a specialized or monodermal teratoma predominantly composed of mature thyroid tissue [1]. Thyroid tissue must comprise more than 50 percent of the overall tissue to be classified as a struma ovarii. Struma ovarii accounts for approximately 5 percent of all ovarian teratomas [2-4].

What is the survival rate for Hurthle cell cancer?

Five- and 10-year survival for the Hürthle cell carcinoma cohort was 85.1% and 71.1%, respectively. Mean survival time was 109 months (95% CI, 105-114 months).

Do hurthle cells need to be removed?

Patients with Hurthle cell thyroid cancer will usually be advised to undergo removal of all or nearly all their thyroid tissue, particularly when there is significant evidence of a tumor, based on size and activity, in the thyroid gland, possibly involving lymph nodes.

What causes struma?

The most common cause of goiters worldwide is a lack of iodine in the diet. In the United States, where the use of iodized salt is common, goiters are caused by conditions that change thyroid function or factors that affect thyroid growth.

Is toxic goiter cancerous?

Sometimes, a person can have a goiter that has multiple nodules or bumps on it, which is called a multinodular goiter. A toxic goiter is one that makes too much thyroid hormone, resulting in a condition called hyperthyroidism. Most thyroid nodules are harmless, but some can be cancerous.