Which metal is most costly?

Rhodium. Rhodium holds the title of being the most expensive precious metal on the planet. This exceedingly uncommon precious metal is defined as a silver-white, robust, corrosion-resistant inert transition metal. After a price increase of more than 30% this year, rhodium is quietly one of the hottest trades right now.

What are the 10 most expensive metals in the world?

The 10 Most Expensive Metals in the World

  1. Rhodium – $2,930 per ounce.
  2. Iridium – $1,460 per ounce.
  3. Palladium – $1,400 per ounce.
  4. Rhenium – $1,290 per ounce.
  5. Gold – $1,285 per ounce.
  6. Platinum – $894 per ounce.
  7. Ruthenium – $263 per ounce.
  8. Osmium – $200 per ounce.

What are the top 5 metals?

World’s Top 10 Most Precious Metals

  1. Rhodium. Mostly mined from Russia, South Africa and Canada, Rhodium is highly prized for its high resistance to corrosion and heat.
  2. Platinum.
  3. Gold.
  4. Ruthenium.
  5. Iridium.
  6. Osmium.
  7. Palladium.
  8. Rhenium.

Which is more expensive than gold?

Diamonds are much more expensive than gold. However, red diamonds are extremely rare on our planet. Only 30 of them are currently known, and most of them do not weigh more than half a carat (about 0.1 grams).

Why platinum is so costly?

Reason for being so expensive The mines of Platinum are rare in comparison to gold. Nearly 1,782 tons of gold mined, only about 133 tons of platinum are mined annually. It is estimated that there are more than 5 billion ounces of gold above ground. There are only an estimated 200 million ounces of platinum.

Which gold is the most expensive?

24-carat gold
Though 24-carat gold is the softest of all gold carats, it is still the most expensive gold available for purchase. 24-carat gold is defined as 100 percent pure. 18-carat gold is considered 75 percent pure because only 18 of its 24 parts are gold.

Is platinum higher than gold?

Platinum is generally valued higher than gold. This is because platinum is rarer than gold, has a higher density and is purer. Platinum rings require more platinum than gold rings require gold, which can increase the overall cost.

What is titanium price?

₹ 1,550/ Kg Get Latest Price. Material: TITANIUM.

Is uranium expensive than gold?

Weapons-grade enriched uranium, of which uranium-235 comprises at least 93%, , is much cheaper, though twice as expensive as gold – around 100,000$ per kilogram. Once again, this is the production cost, as the material is under strict control, and a private person or commercial entity cannot obtain it freely.
