How do you make S mores dip in cast iron?


  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Place a 10.25 Inch Skillet inside the preheated oven for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove skillet from oven.
  4. Pour chocolate morsels in the skillet, covering the bottom.
  5. Bake for 7-10 minutes, until marshmallows are toasted.
  6. Remove from the oven and serve with graham crackers.

How do you cook smores in a pan?


  1. Heat oven to 350°F.
  2. Place 9 graham squares in single layer on bottom of 8-inch square pan; top with 36 marshmallow halves. Sprinkle with chopped chocolate.
  3. Top with remaining marshmallow halves, cut sides down.
  4. Bake 9 to 11 min. or until marshmallows are puffed and golden brown. Let stand 5 min.

How do you make S mores when you don’t have a fire?

Place one graham cracker on a microwave-safe plate, and top with chocolate squares and marshmallow. The marshmallow will expand very quickly, so keep an eye on it and be ready to pull it out in about 15–20 seconds. Top with another graham cracker and enjoy.

Can you do smores on the stove?

If you have a gas stovetop, you can roast marshmallows just as you would over a campfire—as long as you’re very careful! Put a marshmallow on a skewer and set the stovetop burner on low heat. Again, being super careful, slowly turn the marshmallow over the heat to your desired doneness.

How do you melt chocolate for S mores?

There’s nothing worse than chocolate that just doesn’t melt in your s’more. Avoid this by using a melting block. Just set a scrap of 2 x 4-inch wood at the edge of your fire (away from the flame!)

What does S mores stand for?

S’more is a contraction of the phrase “some more”. S’mores appeared in a cookbook in the early 1920s, where it was called a “Graham Cracker Sandwich”. The text indicates that the treat was already popular with both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.

Can I use wooden sticks for S mores?

Generally you cannot use wood skewers for making s’mores on a campfire. They are too short and you could end up burning your arm. The thin skewers will also quickly catch on fire, making them even shorter.

How do you make S mores at home without a campfire?

Here’s how.

  1. Break your graham crackers in half, and put them on a baking sheet. Place two strips of chocolate on one side, three marshmallows on another.
  2. Turn on your broiler. Let it heat up.
  3. Flip the chocolate-sided graham cracker onto the marshmallow side.
  4. Tell us: do you have any tips for making indoor s’mores?

How do you melt marshmallows without fire?

It’s easy to toast marshmallows without a campfire. Line up marshmallows on a baking sheet and broil in the oven until the tops are toasted golden brown. Remove the tray from the oven, turn over the marshmallows, return the tray to the oven and toast that side until golden brown.

How do you make S mores without a grill?

On a baking sheet or broiling pan, lay out as many graham cracker halves as S’Mores you’d like to make. Place a portion of chocolate bar sections on each cracker. Top each piece of chocolate with a marshmallow. Place the pan in the broiler for 2-3 minutes, depending on your oven and how toasty you like them.

Is it OK to roast marshmallows over a gas stove?

Yes, as long as you use your common sense. Marshmallows roasted on the stove are delicious. And you can totally roast them over an electric or gas stove. Just make sure to 1.