Are pepper spray guns legal in Maryland?

In the state of Maryland, it is legal for you to purchase, carry and use pepper spray anywhere in the state for self-defense. Stun guns are restricted in the city of Baltimore. Contact your local police to find out what laws apply to where you live if you have any questions.

What is an OC certification?

An occupancy certificate (OC), issued by the local authorities, certifies that a building is fit for occupation and has been constructed as per the approved plan and in compliance with local laws.

What is baton training?

To carry a baton while working as a security guard in the province of Alberta you must successfully complete a 40 hour baton training course, have approval from your employer, and have the additional qualification on your Security Services license.

Can I carry a Taser in Maryland?

If you’re 18 or older, you may possess a stun gun or Taser in Maryland unless you’ve been convicted of a violent crime (such as rape, murder, and certain assaults) or one of the state’s laws on controlled dangerous drugs.

Are batons legal in Maryland?

While Maryland code lists dangerous weapons, batons are not mentioned at all. It’s not illegal to openly carry a baton. Although batons are not illegal weapons, the law is ambiguous. It’s not necessarily illegal to carry a dangerous weapon in Maryland but you cannot carry a concealed dangerous weapon.

What is CC and OC?

When buying a home, it is vital to obtain documents, such as the Occupancy Certificate (OC) and Completion Certificate (CC). These are essential documents that allow you to mortgage or sell your home. Hence, homebuyers are advised to take possession of their flat or property only after these documents have been issued.

What is the strongest OC spray?

The Fox Labs Pepper Spray produces 5.3 Million SHU (Scoville Heat Units), making it the world’s hottest and strongest pepper spray. Each 1.5 oz. can of this powerful spray contains 18 half-second bursts, which emit a heavy stream pattern with a range of up to 17-20 feet.

How long is asp baton certification good for?

The ASP Baton certification is a lifetime certification that does not expire. The ASP Expandable Baton can be purchased off of the official ASP website prior to attending the class. We suggest our students purchase either 21 inch or 26 inch ASP Friction Loc Baton.

What is Monadnock training?

The Monadnock Defensive Tactics System (MDTS) is a basic self-defense and subject-control program designed for entry level or veteran criminal justice officers. The focus of MDTS is to teach students how to control and stabilize compliant and non-compliant subjects who are unarmed.