What is assurance scheme?

Assurance Schemes are voluntary schemes which establish production standards covering food safety, animal welfare and environmental protection.

What is the meaning of farm assured?

Assurance schemes allow farmers to demonstrate that the food they have produced has met specific, independently certified standards at each stage of the supply chain from ‘farm to fork’. These standards include animal health and welfare, food safety, stockmanship training and competencies, and environmental protection.

What is the Red Tractor Scheme?

Red Tractor champions British food and farmers and is the UK’s largest food and farm standards scheme. We cover all areas of food production from animal welfare and food safety to traceability and environmental protection.

How do I become a farm assured?

To obtain an application pack (consisting of an application form, Product Standard, Rules of Scheme and inspection checkist) call FQAS Helpline on (028) 9263 3024 or NIFCC (028) 9263 3017. 2. Submit application form and pay relevant membership fee. NIFCC will then complete some initial checks on farm.

Why is Farm Assurance important?

Assurance schemes can play an important role in promoting welfare standards above the legal minimum, giving consumers the confidence to buy meat, milk and eggs knowing that the animals have had a good life. Welfare can be poor in any farming system if stockmanship is poor.

What is Red Tractor Scheme?

What is Red Tractor Food Assurance? We are a not-for-profit company that is the UK’s biggest farm and food assurance scheme. We develop standards based on science, evidence, best practice and legislation that cover animal welfare, food safety, traceability and environmental protection.

Who funds Red Tractor?

Red Tractor is a small not for profit company who’s funding comes from a variety of sources. Stakeholders – organisations like AHDB provide funding for specific projects. Royalty Fee – a small proportion of the annual fee, known as the royalty, assured members pay to certification bodies is passed back to Red Tractor.

What is the difference between free range and intensively farmed?

Organic chickens are kept in smaller flocks: In comparison, RSPCA assured’s free-range standards set a maximum flock size of 16,000 hens, whilst in intensive caged systems, there is no maximum, with some flock sizes reaching 100,000 chickens!

How do you become a Red Tractor approved?

How the Red Tractor Assurance Scheme works

  1. Application. Send application and fee to your chosen Certification Body detailing all the relevant holdings/premises.
  2. Initial Assessment.
  3. Non-Conformances.
  4. Issue Certificate of Conformity.
  5. Renewal.
  6. Routine Assessments and Spot Checks.
  7. Suspension.
  8. Withdrawal.

Who runs the Red Tractor Scheme?

Assured Food Standards
Assured Food Standards is a United Kingdom company which licenses the Red Tractor quality mark, a product certification programme that comprises a number of farm assurance schemes for food products, animal feed and fertilizer.

Is Red Tractor organic?

The main accreditation schemes for meat in the UK and that you’ll find in supermarkets are Red Tractor, RSPCA Assured and Soil Association (organic). The Red Tractor scheme covers food safety and environmental protections, and is only used on British products. Red Tractor accredits indoor and outdoor farming systems.

What is cage-free vs free-range?

Free-range eggs Many egg cartons carry the “free-range” label. The main difference between cage-free and free-range eggs is that the latter come from hens that, in addition to the extra space that cage-free birds have, can also access some form of outside area.