What does Abigail dream about in Playing Beatie Bow?

Beatie reminds Dovey of a time when she was sick, and had a dream of a yellow fever rag on the door—Abigail startles to remember she, too, had that very same dream. Beatie confesses that she had another dream—a dream of her own hands, without a ring on any finger, holding a heavy leather book.

What is the Beatie Bow game?

Down at the playground, Abigail has started to see children playing an athletic but slightly disturbing call-and-response game called Beatie Bow, in which a child in a sheet chases other children round the yard until the next Beatie Bow is tagged. The game thrills and excites Vincent but frightens Natalie badly.

What happens at the end of Playing Beatie Bow?

Abigail finally manages to return to her own time and discovers that her neighbours, Natalie and Vincent, are descendants of the Bow family. She also finds that Beatie will grow up to be a lady and well educated, and Judah will die at sea after marrying Dovey.

How old was Abigail in Beatie Bow?

The protagonist of the novel, fourteen-year-old Abigail Kirk is a quiet and reserved girl who does not believe in love, and who shares little of herself with the world around her, always keeping herself guarded even with those she cares about.

Who meets Beatie Bow?

Playing Beatie Bow is a children’s/young adult novel by Ruth Park, first published in 1980. The novel is set in Sydney, Australia. The protagonist Abigail is transported back in time to colonial Sydney in the 1870s, where she meets the Bow family, who believe she has been brought to them for a purpose.

Is Beatie Bow a real person?

It was just a playground game, scary, but fun. But what the children didn’t know was that Beatie Bow was a real person, a 19th-century Australian girl whose family had immigrated from the Orkney Islands, bringing with them their family Gift of preternatural powers.

How old is Judah in Beatie Bow?

Son of Samuel and brother to Gibbie and Beatie, Judah is a sunny, strapping young man of eighteen who works as a seaman, and is frequently off on maritime voyages.

Who is dovey in Playing Beatie Bow?

A quiet, sweet, beautiful, and lame young woman who is a cousin of the Bows and the granddaughter of Granny Tallisker. After an accident in her childhood during which she and Judah overturned a cart, shattering Dovey’s leg bone, she has suffered pain and a distinctive limp.