What is the meaning of Barbal?

adj. formal relating to a beard.

Is Forgettery a word?

a faculty or facility for forgetting; faulty memory: a witness with a very convenient forgettery.

What is the synonym of forget?

Some common synonyms of forget are disregard, ignore, neglect, overlook, and slight. While all these words mean “to pass over without giving due attention,” forget may suggest either a willful ignoring or a failure to impress something on one’s mind.

What is the noun of forget?

forgetfulness noun. forget-me-not noun. forgettable adjective.

What is the act of forgetting?

To be forgetful is to be absentminded. When you’re forgetful, things tend to slip your mind. People can be forgetful if they really can’t remember things, or if they’re just not paying attention. When you’re forgetful, you forget all kinds of things!

What is the opposite forget?

Antonym of Forget Word. Antonym. Forget. Remember. Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is another word for not remembering?

What is another word for not remember?

forget disremember
fail to remember consign to oblivion
dismiss from mind draw a blank
escape one’s memory fail to think of
forget about lose consciousness of

What type of verb is forget?

[intransitive, transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses) to be unable to remember something that has happened in the past or information that you knew in the past forget (about something) I’d completely forgotten about the money he owed me. Before I forget, there was a call from your bank for you.

What is the adverb of forget?

forget verb. forgetful adjective. forgetfully adverb. forgetfulness noun. forget-me-not noun.

What is a person called who forgets everything?

forgetful Add to list Share. To be forgetful is to be absentminded. When you’re forgetful, things tend to slip your mind. People can be forgetful if they really can’t remember things, or if they’re just not paying attention. When you’re forgetful, you forget all kinds of things!